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Letter to my people: China jaunt exposed their nepotism

President Emmerson Mnangagwa in Beijing

My Dear People

THE trip by Scarfmore to China once again brought to the fore the nepotistic tendencies of the octogenarian as he took his son on the state visit sponsored by taxpayer.

During one of the tours of Chinese companies, Scarfmore’s son was actually walking hand in hand in the forefront with the Lacoste cabal leader while senior government officials who include Finance minister Mthuli Ncube trailed behind.

That the son of the scarfed one who is not a government official was part of this trip is indicative of how the coup cabal leader is turning government business into a family affair.

This is after Scarfmore’s wife and first lady Auxilia headed a government delegation on a trip to Belarus despite having no position whatsoever in government.

The shameful levels of nepotism since the Lacoste leader came into power on the back of guns and tanks, is also evidenced by the appointment of his son David to be deputy minister of Finance and that of his nephew Tongai as deputy minister of Tourism, not to mention numerous other appointments of close relatives such as chief secretary Martin Rushwaya.

 The scarfed leader of the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion has become the ugly face of nepotism, tribalism and cronyism amid appalling levels of corruption in the country.

The circus over the plans to butcher the onstitution to allow the incompetent and bankrupt leadership of Scarfmore to go beyond the mandated 2028, took another twist with Scarfmore telling Zimbabweans in China that he would step down after his second term ends despite the orchestrated call by his party for him to stay on regardless.

In his vow to step down when the term ends, which is not for the first time, the scarfed one said he would adhere to the Constitution which he said he helped author.

 I could not help but wonder why then he fails to adhere to something that he authored when he tried to smuggle the commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces Valerio Sibanda into the Zanu PF politburo despite it being against the supreme law of the land he helped author or why he has appointed more than the mandated non legislators to cabinet not once but twice before being forced to reverse the appointments or why… I could go on and on but I digress.

The pronouncement by Scarfmore rings hollow when the calls by party structures for him to stay on have amplified even after he has announced his intention to step down in 2028.

Some within the party have even dared to suggest removing the pesky stipulation of term limits from the constitution which must be remembered was also authored by the Lacoste leader.


 Reports that there is someone who is bizarrely writing down names of party members, who come to plead with the scarfed one to go beyond 2028 only adds serious doubt to the sincerity by Scarfmore to end his disastrous rule by 2028.

Senior party member Tshinga Dube has warned that those advising Scarfmore to remain in power beyond 2028 are doing so for their own selfish ends adding that the scarfed one would soil his reputation if he heeded such calls.

 Not that there is much left of Scarfmore’s tattered reputation to save! 

Unfortunately, his voice of reason is the exception rather than the norm in Zanu PF which is lost without the direction of the wisdom imbued Gushungo.

Nothing shows the dearth of leadership of the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion than the current power outages which some in the business sector have revealed has cost them at least US$15 million.

 It seems that Scarfmore and co. are more concerned about keeping the lights on for when there is a meeting for Sadc leaders in the country instead of the more vital purpose of ensuring the viability of businesses in the country that pay the much needed taxes to government’s   threadbare coffers.

 During Gushungo’s reign the country did not experience such diabolical power outages of up to 18 hours a day showing how the country has gone further downhill since the illegal removal of the telescopically foresighted leader.

 It speaks volumes of the Lacoste regime's misplaced priorities that it spends millions of dollars building spacious villas and VVIP airport pavilions at the expense of ensuring power to breathe life into an economy on its knees.

 Incredibly the totally inept state power utility Zesa Holdings was given an award at the recently ended Harare Agricultural Show for outstanding service in the energy sector.


What reward when the country is in darkness  for 75% of the day?

That Zesa Holdings say they are proud to receive such an award when they provide such shoddy service is reflective of a country that has gone to the dogs under a totally dysfunctional and hopelessly corrupt regime.


Stop It

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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