AN Australian and three South Africans have been arrested and fined $100 each by Bulawayo magistrate Adeline Mbeure for illegal possession of broadcasting equipment.
The government must tighten laws designed to protect children by stipulating maximum deterrent sentences to child sex predators, the Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHCD) has said.
An 18-year-old man who robbed a Zvishavane taxi driver of his vehicle after threatening to assault him with a chain has been jailed for an effective two-year prison term.
TWO TM Supermarkets workers in Victoria Falls, who were fired and dragged to court for fraud after they allegedly changed the price of a cake in the shop, yesterday told a magistrate their supervisor was to blame for the crime.
A 28-YEAR-OLD man who claimed to be a prophet at an apostolic church was yesterday jailed 15 years for fatally stabbing a soldier who attempted to stop him from running away following a scuffle at a shopping centre in Redcliff.
ZIMBABWE Ex-Combatants (Zexcom) Foundation Investment Fund’s judicial manager Barbra Lunga, accused of stealing property and cash worth over Z$15,3 million from the war veterans’ company, has filed an application for leave to appeal to the Constitutional Court (Concourt) citing violations of her rights.
A BULAWAYO businessman appeared in court yesterday for allegedly defrauding his partner of $21 500 in a botched fuel deal.
A 23-YEAR-OLD Zhombe man, who strangled a six-year-old boy, Takudzwanashe Muguti, with a bark string in December 2012 has been acquitted of murder after the High Court considered his unstable mental history.
Two Plumtree siblings who killed their 62-year-old relative after accusing her of witchcraft were yesterday sentenced to 30 years in jail for the crime.
A MAN from the Richmond dump site in Bulawayo, commonly known as Ngozi mine, allegedly stabbed a 66-year-old woman with an Okapi knife several times after he failed to rape her.
THE case of a Zanu PF activist accused of carrying a gun at a Bulawayo church function attended by Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko has been postponed indefinitely after prosecutors punched holes on the docket.
FIVE Zanu PF activists appeared at the Kwekwe Magistrates Court last Friday facing charges of disrupting their party’s interdistrict meeting after they were denied entry into the venue.
A VICTORIA Falls woman yesterday admitted that she assaulted her husband with an empty bottle after he refused to eat dinner which she had prepared for him.
THREE people accused of flouting tenders at Mnene Mission Hospital were yesterday acquitted after a Gweru magistrate ruled that there was no incriminating evidence against them.
A GWANDA woman suffered a fractured finger after she was assaulted by a man she had told he was HIV-positive.
A SECURITY guard manning the Bulawayo Polytechnic College’s entrance gate has landed himself in trouble after he allegedly attacked and broke a student’s leg accusing him of entering the campus without displaying his student identity card.
THE Premier Service Medical Aid Society (PSMAS) has taken Gweru City Council to court for failing to remit workers’ $648 731,18 contributions over the past two years.
A man from Kezi, who hacked his Botswana girlfriend’s mother to death before attempting to kill his lover last week escaped the hangman’s noose after a judge ruled he committed the offence under the influence of alcohol.
TWO teachers from Nhlambabaloyi Secondary School in Ntabazinduna are in trouble for allegedly meting out corporal punishment on five schoolgirls they accused of engaging in love affairs with boys at the same school.