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Letter to my people: Tshabangu has shown his true colours

After declaring himself interim secretary general, Sengezo Tshabangu has gone a step further to impose himself as a senator for Bulawayo.

My Dear People

The hilarious announcement by Ngwena that his dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion is once again plotting a raft of measures to bring about economic stability, is yet more proof of the chaos that whirls through the corridors of Munhumutapa building.  

During the first cabinet meeting of the year, the Lacoste cabal leader announced that his regime will soon introduce a structured currency.

This announcement has unsurprisingly been met with widespread ridicule and bafflement.

 It just shows that the architects of the so called second repubric are absolutely clueless on how to stem an economic crisis that is only getting worse with each raft of measures that are introduced and superintended by the nutty professor.

Despite the cabal arresting so called saboteurs of the economy, holding off payment of contractors, introducing all kinds of coins and even going to the extent of fiddling with inflation figures among other desperately ridiculous measures, the worthless Zimbabwe dollar continues with its rapid descent. 

I am willing to bet my last dollar that however the new measures are “structured”, they will only provide at best temporary relief before the currency continues on its alarmingly downward spiral. 

Scarfmore and company should be ashamed that the $100 note, which is the highest denomination, cannot even buy a sweet.

Under the disastrous leadership of the coup cabal, the bread basket for a family of six has doubled to $2,6 million since December last year.

 This, my dear people, is the mark of abysmal failure.

 Locking up political opponents, quashing demonstrations and fraudulent polls are the only things Scarfmore has managed doing since being catapulted into power on the back of guns and tanks.

I am sure that Zimbabweans, who celebrated the pushing out of the fountain of wisdom that was Gushungo, in that dark year of 2017, are now filled with profound regret as they reel from the devastating impact of the Ngwena regime’s astounding incompetence.

 The first Cabinet meeting of the year was held without rabble rouser and motormouth Chris Mutsvangwa who was fired by Ngwena from his position as War Veterans minister.

It seems that after being appointed as minister, Mutsvangwa started having delusions of grandeur as he reportedly demanded to be appointed state security minister.

He even had the gumption to begin a campaign to replace Generari as vice president we are told.  Unopenga!!!

This is why the telescopically foresighted Gushungo fired Mutsvangwa, who had seen him for what he was, a loose cannon who covers up for his deficiencies by being verbose.

Why Mutsvangwa thought he could be vice president when he could not even win an election in the Norton Constituency is nothing short of mindboggling.

Scarfmore has found to his detriment, that having Mutsvangwa as part of any government is untenable.

Still I am sure his former colleagues in Cabinet will miss him for his flowery language, with a dictionary nearby, of course.

The recent announcement that the European Union has extended its sanctions on the Scarfmore regime has demonstrated the futility of the octogenarian’s re-engagement drive.

Though the sanctions by the EU have been toned down, the fact that it has seen it fit to keep them in place exposes the claptrap that Ngwena and Co. are making strides in its re-engagement drive.

 That this follows the body’s suspension of the funding for the heavily compromised and hopelessly inept Zimbabwe Electoral Commission as a result of last year’s embarrassingly fraudulent polls, indicates that Ngwena’s re-engagement drive is in tatters.

 In fact, the stench of failure of this re- engagement drive since Ngwena forced himself into power is evidenced by the continued imposition of sanctions by the United States since he took office. 

Despite the positive remarks by the British ambassador to Zimbabwe concerning relations between the two countries, the United Kingdom has maintained its own sanctions on members of the Ngwena cabal. 

The regime’s unedifying confrontation with the regional body Sadc’s observer team after last year’s election for it stinging criticism of the shameful polls shows that the re-engagement drive is well and truly down the toilet.

The only friends Ngwena seems to have are those of similar dictatorial tendencies such as Russia, Belarus and Equatorial Guinea whose leader more or else told Ngwena that it was impossible to be ousted when one is in power. So much for re-engagement.

 The low turnout for the recent farcical by-elections was a massive embarrassment for the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion.

Yes, it might have strengthened their grip in parliament but that victory is hollow when some constituencies had a turnout of less than 12%.

It is a strong indicator of the anger of the country’s citizens after being denied the representatives they voted for in August as a result of some buffoon foisting himself as the secretary general of the Citizens Coalition for Change to recall the party’s parliamentarians and councilors.

This sadly will only increase voter apathy in future elections under the country’s current leadership who are strangers to the concept of democracy.

After declaring himself interim secretary general, Sengezo Tshabangu has gone a step further to impose himself as a senator for Bulawayo.

Tshabangu also imposed former PDP man Kucaca Phulu as a senator. It is now clear these charlatans did everything they did for their stomachs. They have shown us their true colours.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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