SIX Tshabili Primary School female teachers in Beitbridge East have fled their workplace after they were allegedly sexually abused by goblins.
The teachers claimed they were sexually violated at night.
Some of the victims have reportedly refused to return to the school, located about 60km east of the border town, until the school has been spiritually cleansed.
Beitbridge district development co-ordinator Sikhangezile Mafu-Moyo confirmed that she was aware of the gory developments but referred further questions to the Primary and Secondary Education ministry.
“I understand a meeting is on tomorrow (today) between my office, education officials, the school staff and the community. I am in Bulawayo on a different assignment but I have been informed of the issue,” she said.
District education officer Freedom Muleya said he could not give details but confirmed that a meeting was to be convened over the issue.
“Officials from our office will attend the meeting. This is not an issue our office can solve, it's something to do with the community, traditional leadership and the local authority. These reports were made as early as January,” he said.
It is reported that the victims on Thursday reported at the district education offices, the local district council offices and Mafu-Moyo's office sharing their misery on the abusive goblins.
In June 2022, Majili Primary School in Bubi district, Matabeleland North province, was shut following a similar incident.