Living in harmony with nature
As countries meet on all three conventions in 2022, SDG advocate and indigenous rights activist Hindou Ibrahim talks about the indispensable role that indigenous communities around the world play in protecting life on our planet — its biodiversity, land and climate.
Living in harmony with nature
As countries meet on all three conventions in 2022, SDG advocate and indigenous rights activist Hindou Ibrahim talks about the indispensable role that indigenous communities around the world play in protecting life on our planet — its biodiversity, land and climate.
Printing $100 note an admission of failure
THE Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) this week announced that they will issue a new $100 bank note, amid fears that the bill could stoke inflation in an economy already battered by exchange rate volatilities, stagnant growth, the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia-Ukraine war. The new note, which is already doomed before hitting the streets, comes […]