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Letter to my people: Of Mnangagwa’s empty Sona and ZiG delusions

 Given how the funny money has depreciated so rapidly, it is hard to believe that it is backed by anything, but hot air.

My Dear People

The state of the nation address (Sona) by Scarfmore last week was,  as expected, a load of vacuous piffle with  very little to give the country direction amid an economic crisis created  by the devaluation of the funny money otherwise known as the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG).

Given the crisis spawned by the devaluation of the currency in less than five months since its launch, the nation’s citizens expected that the country’s leader would give clear direction as to what measures will be put in place to address the catastrophe his regime has created and boost market confidence.

But this was expecting too much from the probity deficient scarfed one as he, as usual, blamed  speculative tendencies and promised “corrective measures” without being specific what these measures will be and when they would be implemented.

 Little comfort was derived from his revelation that his regime will further back the funny money setting aside 50% of royalties for building reserves after the abysmal failure of the local unit despite its purported backing of tonnes of gold, which is increasing in value, and millions of dollars in forex.

Given that the value  of the funny money is falling at a time gold, which is backing the local unit, is increasing in value, one can be forgiven for suspecting that we have yet again been fed a load of bollocks by Scarfmore and Co that this ZiG is backed by the precious mineral.

 Given how the funny money has depreciated so rapidly, it is hard to believe that it is backed by anything, but hot air.

Similarly on the current power outages that have crippled industry, Scarfmore gave the usual twaddle about  “pending” commissioning of several projects by independent power producers and called for the  use of alternative energy to be “intentionally examined”, whatever the hell that means.

 That the octogenarian gave no specific timelines when these will be implemented only shows that the regime has no solutions in sight to the power outages that last up to 18 hours daily.

All in all, the Sona was a non-event  as it failed to proffer concrete solutions to the  country’s crisis and was more about the scarfed one fulfilling an obligation than charting a way forward.

In other words,  it was a dog’s breakfast.


 If anyone needed confirmation that Parliament has become increasingly useless, especially after the foisting of unelected morons as opposition members of parliament and senators, the revelation by the scarfed one of the bills that are still outstanding from the previous session amply provided it.

The long list of bills still to be enacted include those relating to Persons with Disabilities Act, Mines and Minerals Amendment Act and Insurance and Pensions Act amendments.

It is hardly surprising that these bills remain outstanding given how speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda implored Zanu PF chief whip Pupurai Togarepi to help dimwits in his party who struggled with the simple task of crafting speeches for debates in the august house.

 The current bunch of parliamentarians, as Mudenda revealed, are usually in the August House  to snooze during parly business which also explains why so many Bills remain outstanding.

 These hopeless parliamentarians are only active when blackmailing Finance minister Mthuli Ncube that they will only pass the budgets he presents if the Treasury chief increases their allowances and perks.

 It is little wonder why ministries have not bothered to forward bills to parly and why so many don’t  even bother to attend question and answer sessions  in the august house.

This is surely the worst Parliament since the country attained independence in 1980!!!


I had a good laugh when the Harare City Council scurried like rats to defend diverting funds  to sponsor feel -good projects by the first lady aka Madam Page 2,  Auxilia which include placing children in institutions where they go to school and get medical attention.

 This was in response to an article in NewsDay which exposed how the council is being abused to fund activities by  Madam Page 2.

The council pointed out,  in their defence, that this is part of their  corporate social responsibility(CSR) which is nothing short of ridiculous.

How does a council that is failing to provide residents with clean potable water fork out money for  CSR?

How on earth, does a council that has failed to collect refuse, which has made the capital city an eyesore and a breeding ground of various diseases splash money for Auxilia’s projects?

Indeed, how does a council which has lost millions of dollars through corruption then fund the activities of Madam Page 2?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Auxilia helping out children in need but surely not with the funds of a city council that cannot even afford to provide basic services to its residents because it is cash strapped.

It is an insult to Harare residents who are struggling to get access to clean water yet get hefty monthly bills from the incompetent city council.

Madam Page 2 should get these resources from the ministry of social welfare which exists  precisely for this purpose. 

Harare mayor Jacob Mafume incredibly defended his council parting with money for such causes when failing to provide basic services saying it was a good programme.

Is this what he was taught at the Zanu PF  Chitepo School of Ideology.? He should hang his head in shame.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)


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