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Letter to my people: Behind the dramatic 2030 U-turn

Sadly Sanyatwe’s unconstitutional rant has become the norm rather than the exception, a clear demonstration of the so-called second repubric’s disregard for the country’s supreme law. 

My Dear People

The shocking outburst by Zimbabwe National Army commander Anselem  Sanyatwe where he claimed that the army will involve itself in national elections to ensure a Zanu PF victory has once again demonstrated the brazen violation of the constitution by the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion.

Sanyatwe, who was the head of the army unit that slaughtered half a dozen people on August 1, 2018 during protests over the delay in the release of the presidential election results, boasted that Zanu PF will be in power forever.

The constitution is crystal clear about the army being impartial and avoiding being active participants in political parties.

Sadly Sanyatwe’s unconstitutional rant has become the norm rather than the exception, a clear demonstration of the so-called second repubric’s disregard for the country’s supreme law. 

We have already seen that Scarfmore has butchered the constitution by changing it to strengthen his grip on the judiciary, which has become embarrassingly servile to selfish political interests at the expense of dispensing justice.

Such has been the blatant disregard for the constitution that the scarfed one even attempted to appoint a whole commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Valerio Sibanda to the Zanu PF politburo!!!


That this was done by a leader, who allegedly studied law only adds to the shamefulness of the wilful aversion to constitutionalism.

The illegal coup, that removed the wisdom-imbued Gushungo, has undoubtedly left the country much poorer with such bankrupt leadership.

So the scarfed one has made a hasty retreat from extending his clueless leadership that has impoverished the country’s citizens amid cringeworthy levels of cronyism, patronage and nepotism.

Scarfmore announced that he would religiously adhere to the constitutional two-term limits that will result in him stepping down in 2028.

This is, however, after the Lacoste leader had frog-marched ministers to chant slogans that he will be in power in 2030.

As has become the norm with Scarfmore’s leadership, this was another embarrassing climb-down with egg on his face.

What could have been the reason for this dramatic U-turn, your good doctor wonders. 

Could it be the strong resistance spearheaded by the war veterans?

Or could it be the attack on the home of Scarfmore’s son, David who has benefited from his father’s nepotism to become deputy Finance minister that has resulted in this volte face?

Whatever the reason, the news has been received with more relief than joy that the scarfed one who has brought about increased levels of corruption, repression and poverty will step down.

However, for most of the country’s citizens who have suffered from the rudderless leadership of Ngwena, it cannot come soon enough.

There has been a lot of self-praise and backslapping within the Lacoste regime on the perceived success of the new currency the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), which cannot even  purchase fuel or a passport. 

This has even resulted in Scarfmore getting carried away by declaring that the new currency will be the sole legal tender in the country with the United States dollar being ditched as a trading currency within the next two years.


 This nonsense is coming out of the mouth of a leader who splashes United States dollars at public events like confetti at a wedding and has never been seen publicly using ZiG.

 I had a good laugh when Ngwena pointed out that the country could not use the greenback because the United States was hostile to his regime.

 It is hard to believe that this is the same man, who in a state of visible excitement, called the United States dollar ‘real money’ when he received funding from the US to assist those citizens affected by the devastating cyclone Idai.

The double standards of these political relics is nothing short of scandalous.

More importantly it shows the flip flopping nature of this dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion which explains why the country has received just over half a billion in foreign direct investment.

Scarfmore’s declaration on making ZiG the sole legal tender is in stark contrast to the statutory instrument he put in place that mandates the use of the multi-currency regime up to the year 2030. 

It makes me wonder, not for the first time, whether senility has not taken a firm grip, kuti dzvii as that ex-convict Wicknell would probably say, of the octogenarian.

Such careless pronouncements will no doubt create panic in the market an d wreak havoc on an economy already in the doldrums.

Scarfmore  surely gives the saying shooting oneself in the  foot a new meaning.

There is no shortage of clowns in Zanu PF who have increased substantially since  the telescopic foresighted Gushungo was removed unceremoniously in that dark year of 2017.

Chipinge East MP Lincoln Dhliwayo is one such example who pointed out that sanctions are to blame for corruption. 

Such claptrap can easily be dismissed, for instance, by the numerous revelations of graft in yearly reports by the auditor general’s office which are ignored and gather dust on the shelves.

Mudenda probably had such individuals in mind when he complained of  Zanu PF legislators who struggled to come up with coherent arguments in the Chinese- built parliament.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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