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Bunjira tackles climate change through sport

The event, a brainchild of Bunjira’s Albun Fitness Club, will feature the 42km marathon, 21km, 10km, and 5km races. It is scheduled for November 18 in the scenic and tranquil Eastern Highlands. 

FORMER Warriors talisman Alois Bunjira is set to launch the Honde Valley Marathon this month in his home province Manicaland in a bid to tackle climate change through sport.

The event, a brainchild of Bunjira’s Albun Fitness Club, will feature the 42km marathon, 21km, 10km, and 5km races. It is scheduled for November 18 in the scenic and tranquil Eastern Highlands. 

“Climate change and global warming directly affect those in the fitness fraternity and sporting industry in general,” Bunjira told NewsDay Sport.

“Sporting and marathon events are virtually impossible during a heatwave or torrential rainfall, hence it becomes imperative for marathons to integrate climate change and global warming.”

The event is set to run on various developmental and worthy fronts.

This includes the promotion of the Honde Valley tourism, environment conservation, business, rural industrialisation, and charity through sport.

“The marathon will promote a culture of exercise, fitness, and health to the people in Manicaland province and Zimbabwe at large. It will also highlight the plight of the rural child who needs development and upliftment,” he added.

“We have earmarked to support Gatsi Old People’s Home, the restructuring and development of Ruda Primary School and sports field as well as the construction of the perimeter fence around the community football ground from the proceeds of the marathon.”

Bunjira and company are also promoting afforestation and reforestation and are encouraging would-be partners to plant trees every year.

“The main objective of the marathon is to promote tourism in Honde Valley, development of the rural child through rural industrialisation or development, and charity. The theme for this year, is Raising awareness on Climate Change and Global Warming: Taking action against veld fires, deforestation, and rehabilitation of the environment,” he said.

“While Honde Valley is endowed with an evergreen valley, mountainous terrain, flora and fauna, it is not spared from the devastating effects of climate change and global warming. The beauty of the valley can only be maintained through raising awareness on climate change and global warming as well as taking action against deforestation and veld fires.

“Bringing the marathon to Honde Valley will go a long way in showcasing Honde Valley to the world while at the same time raising awareness on global climate change.”

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