In his own words, he wanted the Freestone quarry investment to be recorded among one of his biggest legacies.
In his own words, he wanted the Freestone quarry investment to be recorded among one of his biggest legacies.
The report said that according to the FERC’s “Energy Infrastructure Update” (with data through October 31), utility-scale renewable facilities at least 1 MW in size added 18,255 MW of new generating capacity during the first 10 months of 2021.
The report said that according to the FERC’s “Energy Infrastructure Update” (with data through October 31), utility-scale renewable facilities at least 1 MW in size added 18,255 MW of new generating capacity during the first 10 months of 2021.
The mining claim being operated by Munyukwa Chibanda Mining Syndicate was temporarily closed by the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) over non-availability of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).