Economist Steve Hanke puts the figure north of 250%. This is more than double the official rate. According to the Consumer Council of Zimbabwe, a family of six needs $120 835 for basics, to put the effects of the policy inconsistency into perspective. With the average civil servant earning $20 000, there is a massive deficit.
“The Binga mortuary has become something of serious concern, even to the President. Getting it back to work is now a top priority, but unfortunately, it’s no longer a simple matter of repairing the existing infrastructure, but rather replacing the installations.”
In March, President Emmerson Mnangagwa announced that the 250-bed Lupane Hospital will be the biggest provincial health institution in the country upon completion.
The socialite, who died two years ago, is said to have left no valid will, which saw Juliet and Nelia being appointed joint executors following a meeting convened by the family at the Master of High Court.
The socialite, who died two years ago, is said to have left no valid will, which saw Juliet and Nelia being appointed joint executors following a meeting convened by the family at the Master of High Court.
According to the District Medical Officer Thabani Moyo, the problem of electricity the hospital is experiencing started about two months ago, and has seen many expecting or just delivered mothers struggling to nurse their babies successfully, especially at night.
According to the District Medical Officer Thabani Moyo, the problem of electricity the hospital is experiencing started about two months ago, and has seen many expecting or just delivered mothers struggling to nurse their babies successfully, especially at night.
While Zimbabwe is rated as one of the poorest countries in the world, the country is said to have perhaps the largest number of Mercedes Benz per capita.
While Zimbabwe is rated as one of the poorest countries in the world, the country is said to have perhaps the largest number of Mercedes Benz per capita.