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Genocide: Can Jewish Zionism prevail?

If the doctrine of a two-state solution with Israelis living side by side with Palestinians was embraced and considered relevant during the Arafat era, it is neither relevant nor desirable after the genocide unleashed against the Palestinian people since the events of October 7, 2023.

 What precipitated the attack by Hamas on this fateful day must be contextualised with events preceding the attack.

Ever since the establishment of a Jewish state in 1948 on Palestinian land, Palestinians have been subjected to daily arrests, torture, dehumanising conduct, killings and massacres; by a Jewish state with an insatiable appetite for Palestinian land and Palestinian blood.

They have sought to expand their territory to cater for their growing population through annexation of chunks of Palestinian land and downsising the Palestinian population through massacres and forcible repatriation to neighbouring countries.

 When there is no more Palestinian land to annex and Palestinian blood to spill, they will cast their eyes towards their Arab neighbours and repeat their tried and tested formula.

 All this is done with the blessing and acquiescence of the world’s only super power – the USA.

Covered with the protective blanket of immunity from arrest or prosecution by this powerful country that recklessly abuses its power of veto to guarantee a perpetual and permanent safety net against any binding UN resolution condemning  acts of  genocide, Israel can with impunity commit horrendous crimes against the Palestinian people without restraint.

Regrettably, powerful blocs such as the European Union always dance to the American tune. They are his master’s voice.

What I have learnt in life is that the majority of political leaders are elected into power by promising and pledging to be servants of those that elect them.

Once elected, they switch roles and become masters and those that have elected them become the servants.

The elected leaders impose their will against the wishes of the majority of those that elect them into power.

 Leaders of the most powerful nations not only impose their will against their electorate, but also against the wishes of weaker states that resist dancing to their tune. 

We can call this ‘the arrogance of power’.

A glaring example of this phenomenon is the genocide unleashed by two powerful nations — the USA and Israel – against a weak Palestinian state with no recognised standing army.

 To talk about a two-state solution given the ongoing genocide against innocent civilians — women, children, and the aged — against social and economic infrastructure — and even against what some Israeli leaders have branded  animals — is a pipe dream that must be dismissed with the contempt it deserves.

 If the Americans love the Israelis that much, they should create an Israeli state on American soil.

The utter disregard for international law renders the United Nations and its supportive institutions a useless and toothless organisation that serves the interests of a few powerful states.

It is not in the best interest of many states, especially African, Asian, Moslem and Latin American; to continue being affiliated to this moribund organisation.

 A precedence has been set in the USA where a former president will be prosecuted for acts or omissions committed when he was in power.

This raises hope that some leaders who are seemingly invincible and untouchable might stand trial for genocide after they are no longer in power and stripped of immunity.

Confronted with the quagmire of despair and hopelessness that characterises the Palestinian way of life and even death, I pin my hope on probably the last port of call – Mrs Biden. 

First and foremost she is a mother who like all mothers has experienced the pang of giving birth.

She ought to understand how dear children are to their parents, more especially to their mothers.

The sacrifices the mothers take in trying to give a decent upbringing to their children even when they are poor are enviable.

 It is every mother’s dream that they should see their children grow into adulthood and hope they would take good care of their parents when they get old and incapacitated.

How does it feel for a mother to watch the life of an otherwise healthy and promising child being extinguished for no other reason except that he or she is Palestinian and branded an animal?

 Even animals deserve humane treatment. Mrs Biden, I know you follow closely the savagery visited upon the Palestinian women and children all because your husband has authorised the sell and delivery of 1000 pound bombs to maim and massacre thousands of innocent Palestinians.

 You have seen thousands of children being orphaned; homes, hospitals, ambulances, schools and cultural and religious artefacts being pulverised; doctors and nurses being targeted for trying to serve lives; journalists and United Nations staff being killed for revealing the truth; hunger and disease being used as weapons of war; and the mass displacement of Palestinians from their land.

 When your husband comes home do you give him a hug and pat on the back and congratulate him for the massacre of innocent civilians.

For every Palestinian child killed or maimed, see the face of your daughter being maimed or killed.

You have a moral obligation to weigh on your husband to do the right thing — to preserve and protect human life, rather than destroy it. History will judge your husband and his cahoots harshly.

Be reminded of the adage, ‘for those the Gods want to destroy, they first make crazy’.

 *Agrippa Mutambara is a former Zimbabwean diplomat

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