If I were in President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s situation, and the US I had an audience with the ambassador whereby the honourable ambassador would lecture me about free and fair elections, the rule of law, and accountability, I would keep my peace.
At the end of the discussion, I would “gift” him the Durham Report, May 2023.
Contrary to general belief, the “deep state” (FBI, CIO, Justice) all colluded with candidate Hillary Clinton to make certain that Donald Trump was not elected, and possibly sent to a jailhouse.
Not only that, after Trump left office, the deep state is still going after him, to make sure that he lives the rest of his life in a jailhouse, on trumped up charges.
Persecution of Trump, 2016
In July 2016 (before Trump was elected in November) the Federal Bureau of Investigations discussed “approval by Clinton on July 26, 2016, of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services” in US elections.
This matter had been discussed at the deputy director level and senior FBI officials were angry that they were being asked to buttress a lie. The officials all realised that the information before them was “hearsay” and that there was “nothing here nor there” they were “angry and annoyed” and they asked the question “why are we even doing this?” At the end, three spies were sent to the Trump election organisation.
On the Clinton side, the FBI gave “a narrative describing multiple funds transfers, some of which involved international bank accounts that were suspected of facilitating bribery and gratuity violations.”
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- Letter from America: Is former president Donald Trump a hero or villain?
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Here is the mother of all of them. Central Intelligence Agency chief John Brennan rushed to the White House to inform then president Barak Obama and Joe Biden about this “alleged approval by Clinton… to vilify Trump …by stirring up a scandal claiming Russian interference.” (81)
These two officials kept quiet even when Trump was impeached over these false allegations. All the “bigwig” newspapers including the New York Times went along with this story, even when suspicions were raised.
Why was Trump persecuted?
Trump, like the child in the story of the king without clothes, was in the habit of asking questions in public, which should have been asked in private and embarrassing his hosts.
For instance, at a meeting open to the press with European leaders, including Germany’s leader Angela Merkel, Trump asked why the US had 100 000 troops in that country and why the Germans were not paying for that service.
The embarrassing answer is that Germany is an occupied country and a colony of the US, you sluggard.
In another meeting, he asked why the US had clandestine occupation of Syria’s oil fields.
Trump’s most dangerous stance was his attempt to halt US automobile companies migrating to Mexico and China. The globalists were turning the US into a vast assembly depot of imported manufactures and a service country while China was growing its industrial base. Nevertheless, the globalists derived huge profits from manufacturing abroad and selling their goods in the US.
More persecution
A Kangaroo court in Manhattan, New York has set the date for Trump’s trial on a trumped-up charge of falsifying business records to March 25, 2024. That date comes after Super Tuesday, the day when political candidates compete in six primary states on the same day. The “stalwart judge wants Trump to set aside several weeks for court proceedings, thus effectively keeping him away from campaigning.
The 34 indictments are all cooked up. Trump had a relationship with a sex worker and to avoid family embarrassment, paid “hush money” to the tune of US$130 000. The contract stipulated silence on the sex worker’s part.
District attorneys are elected. Brother Alvin Bragg was elected on the platform to “get Trump.” Federal authorities looked at the issue and declined to prosecute. In any case, it happened in 2016, and has passed the five-year statute of limitations. Brother Bragg says that since Trump was out of reach because of Covid for two years, the statute of limitations is therefore pushed backwards by two years. Secondly, Bragg argues that Trump was “hiding something” to affect another crime. He does not mention what crime that is. Thirdly, the 34 charges come from the same indictment repeated 34 times.
Verily, verily, these people have nothing to teach Zanu PF about cooking up charges against political opponents. They wrote the book.
In yet another case, Jean Carroll accused Trump of raping her in 1996 in Bergman Goodman department store. Here is the write up. “While the jury found that Trump sexually abused her, sufficient to hold him liable for battery, the jury did not find that Carroll proved he raped her.”
Trump must pay US$5 million in damages.
There is no record of Carroll reporting the matter to Goodman Stores in 1996 and in any case the 10-year statute of limitations has expired. A special law was passed to allow such claims to be entertained in such a manner as to ruin undesirable people.
Tara Reade, a former staffer of President Joe Biden, who claimed that Biden kissed her on the mouth without her consent in 1993 has been declared somewhat of a “loonie” and not to be taken seriously.
On August 8, 2022, FBI agents stormed Trump’s residence, took away 43 files which they said could be linked to unauthorised removal of US government files when Trump left the White House.
Soon after this raid, they became aware that Biden had several files spread all over his garage, some in the boot of a car.
It started with a thoroughly uncouth son of a billionaire, Trump, who realised that for 50 years a permanent ruling class which included Republicans and Democrats was de-industrialising the country and sending manufacturing jobs abroad.
Trump added fuel to the fire in that he was loud mouthed, disrespected the ruling class around the speaker of the House of Assembly and shamed them by his uncouth behavior abroad.
- Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes from the US. He can be reached at mufukaken@gamil.com.