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Issachar's wisdom: Keys to wealth transfer

The Bible says  "You shall remember that it is God who gives you the ability to produce wealth.

The Bible says  "You shall remember that it is God who gives you the ability to produce wealth." God is the one who prospers His people, and the reason He gives you wealth is to establish His covenant, as He swore to your fathers. The reason God allows us to prosper is so that we can fulfill the plans He has for each generation.

But how can we access this wealth as believers? What is the key for us to obtain it? Does wealth come to us automatically? Many Christians are poor or disadvantaged and do not have access to wealth because they assume it is transferred automatically. I love the story of the children of Issachar when Israel was being blessed by Jacob. We see something unique about Issachar: the Bible says in Genesis 49:14-15, "Issachar is a strong donkey lying down between two burdens." Issachar is compared to a donkey, an animal known for hard work and the ability to carry heavy loads. Issachar was a hard worker.

The scripture in the King James Version highlights something deep. It says, "Issachar is a strong donkey lying down between two burdens." The number two symbolises multiplication, meaning the ability to stand in a position that causes increase. The word "burdens" refers to heavy loads. Issachar prospered because he had the attitude of a hard-working donkey. When burdens were placed on him that were meant to cause increase, he gave himself to labor.

While it is God who gives wealth, it is our responsibility to work hard to accomplish what God has ordained for us. Paul speaks of this in Ephesians 4:28, saying, "Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with those in need." It is our responsibility to work with our hands so that we can share with others. Our prosperity is meant to be a blessing to others.

Issachar was a man who worked and also very prosperous , and the key to this wealth was his diligence. Even today, those who work prosper Working hard is to be fully invested in that place God has called you into and taking all the necessary steps that cause you to produce . Many Christians do not work because they assume God will provide everything automatically. However, God expects us to do our part.

Consider the woman whose husband left her in debt. When she went to the prophet, he told her to borrow vessels, not money, so she could invest in her business. She used the oil she had, and God prospered her from what she already had. Many people are broke because they do not follow God's instructions for their lives.

God desires for you to prosper, but the key to prosperity is hard work. Issachar was prosperous because he had the strength to work and the foresight to see opportunities.  Genesis 49:14-15 emphasizes that Issachar not only worked but also became a slave to his vision. Are you a slave to the vision and purpose God has given you?

Many people do not achieve their potential because they do not understand that they must work diligently. It is time to prosper. Reflect on Genesis 49:14-15 and meditate on Issachar's story.

God Bless You

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