There is an impending of such a judgement day on the horizon. Some Christians refer to it as the second coming of Christ, of which apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians (5:10); “For we must appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body.”
Newton-John was the granddaughter of one of the 20th century’s greatest scientists, the German Jewish physicist Max Born who worked with Albert Einstein and won the Nobel Prize (along with Walter Bothe) in 1954. Her family tree included professors and at least one rabbi.
BY HUMPHREY MTANDWA The words “peace” and “rest” seem closely related although they are different. One cannot achieve rest without peace. The peace of God creates in you an ability to separate between your thoughts and God’s Spirit or voice. When one goes against the will of God for his life, they lose peace. So, […]
The combination of the beast and the woman riding on it in Revelation 17 could signify nations working in cahoots with some very influential religious organisation. In this instance, the religious entity is said to be flouting God’s laws and indulging in other practices contrary to the Lord. In an effort to narrow in on the identity of this misleading worldwide religious system, let us visit some practices in some Christian churches which go against God’s set commandments.
The long journey is nearing its close. The Jordan is almost within sight. We have read the long itinerary of stops along the way. Finally we are reaching the end of the list of encampments, and God tells Moses: “Take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given you the land to possess” (Num. 33:53). This, according to Nahmanides (to Num. 33:53), is the source of the command to dwell in the land of Israel and inherit it.
Many young men have burned with passion like Amnon and have gone after those they assumed they loved but later when the passion fizzled out in marriage or while they were still in that relationship with, they began to burn for other women and assumed it was love again.
There are some among us who believe that faith is something you do to get God to respond. This is a major misconception in the body of Christ. Faith is simply our positive response to what God has already done by grace. He has already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue (2 Peter 1:3).
Revelation 17:4-6 reads of the woman; “The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and bedecked with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication; and on her forehead was written a name: “Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of earth’s abominations.” And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus (end of quote).
Eichmann spoke these words in a recording in Buenos Aires, four years before he would stand trial in Jerusalem. Eichmann had fled to Argentina after the war and was captured in 1960 by Mossad agents who spirited him away to Israel.
People are born babies. They need to be seen about. They had never been to that church before. They had never heard any Gospel being preached before. They need to be followed up and prayed with, talked to, and dealt with.
The human mind has a habit of wandering and at times a person can be caught up in their thoughts that they lose focus of their outside environment.
YVETTE ALT MILLER Swastikas have a long history and are widely employed around the world today. The state of Victoria in Australia has made it illegal to display swastikas. After racist incidents increased 750% over the past year and a half, Victorian legislators moved to ban the Nazi-linked image. “Victoria has now become the first […]
Rejoice then, O heaven and you that dwell therein! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because of he knows that his time is short” (end of quote).
The key symbol in his dreams was “numbers” as an indicator of his brothers. In dream interpretation there are common symbols and interpretors have created directories that allow you to interpret your dreams. Using these directories you can discover the meaning of your dreams. These dream directories are created from experience and scriptures. So when you look at the numbers in Joseph’s dream on the chart in a dream directory and interpret Joseph’s dream directly, you may fail to interpret it correctly.
To counter that sense of loss and bereavement, the Torah employs one of Judaism’s great principles: The Holy One, blessed be He, creates the remedy before the disease.[1] Before any of the deaths are mentioned we read about the strange ritual of the red heifer, which purified people who had been in contact with death — the archetypal source of impurity. That ritual, often deemed incomprehensible, is in fact deeply symbolic.
One of the areas about faith that gives people the most trouble is the concept that we have to acquire more faith and that some people have much faith, while others have virtually none. We spend a lot of effort, like a dog chasing its tail, trying to get something we already have. Every born-again Christian already has the same quality and quantity of faith that Jesus has.
Details of prophet Daniel’s vision were as follows (Daniel 8:2-8): “And I saw in the vision; and when I saw, I was in Susa the capital, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in the vision, and I was at the river U’lai. I raised my eyes and saw, and behold, a ram standing on the bank of the river. It had two horns; and both horns were high, but one was higher than the other, and the higher one came up last. I saw the ram charging westward and northward and southward; no beast could stand before him, and there was no one who could rescue form his power; he did as he pleased and magnified himself.
We might then be forgiven for viewing the idea of the soul as an outdated concept that a scientific understanding of the brain has overtaken, which, unlike earlier conceptions, can properly explain all the above states. However, a brief dip into current thinking on the self shows how far we are from reaching such a proper explanation.
What we believe is a result of our thinking. If we think wrong, we will believe wrong. If our believing is wrong, our confession will be wrong. In other words, what we say will be wrong.
By law if Onan had given Tamar a son that child would not have been his but his brother’s. Fatherhood goes beyond just providing seed, many have surely given the seed that caused conception but not so many are fathers. We have many children who have fathers who live under the same roof as them, who are not fathers but just fathers by title.
In a societies where the rod is viewed as a form of abuse parents are fearful and children have become undisciplined. But discipline is an act of love if administered in love, but when discipline is administered there are so many factors involved like the condition of the parent’s heart. Many have injured children in the name of correction because they use the rod in anger and at times the rod is used to sooth the emotions of the parents.
Daniel himself had some dreams and visions of his own which had a hidden meaning, but all pointing to some events either taking place then or which were to happen later in the future. Some of his visions were too mysterious even for him to comprehend.
Our scriptures have stories and verses that warn us to be aware of those around us who may pretend to be our close associates, yet they are enemies from within. Be watchful of those people.
The Israel Museum is an incredible place, with everything from Biblical artifacts to a magnificent collection of impressionist art. Jewish ritual art, reconstructed synagogues from around the world, prehistoric fossils from the Middle East and installations and exhibits of contemporary artists all live together under one roof.
One might ask why would one die like a mere man or slaves ride on horses while princes are walking on foot and yet God said that we should have dominion and He also put all things under our feet?”. God never created a junk person. There is no one who is born a failure. Failure is man- made. What then separates successful people from failures?
It takes those whose physical actions drive them deeper into fellowship with the Father.
God chooses whoever is conveniently placed to act as an angel to someone. Anyone of us can be that angel of God. Each one of us can be the angel to answer someone else’s prayer or just to convey a message from God for a particular purpose.
Some nations have so many prospects for the citizens and so many opportunities but the citizens can be blinded by their anger and pain towards the government that they can miss opportunities.