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Trio jailed for damaging NRZ property

Maxwell Tineyi Mutyiri (38) from Bulawayo, Fungai Mugowa (32) and Marvelous Dube (29) both from Battlefields, Kadoma, were found guilty of damaging railway line signals after cutting four galvanised pipes.

THREE men from Bulawayo and Kadoma have been sentenced to five years in jail each for damaging National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) property.

Maxwell Tineyi Mutyiri (38) from Bulawayo, Fungai Mugowa (32) and Marvelous Dube (29) both from Battlefields, Kadoma, were found guilty of damaging railway line signals after cutting four galvanised pipes.

A Kadoma magistrate sentenced the three to five years in jail each for contravening the Railways Act.

The court heard that on April 6 this year, the three went to Munyati Railway Bridge in Battlefields and cut four by 15-metre galvanised pipes.

Members of the community joined forces to apprehend the three but caught only one of them as his accomplices escaped.

The two were, however, arrested later in the day.

Damaged property valued at US$420 was recovered.

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