SABI Gold Mine in Zvishavane has increased production to 40 kilogrammes (kg) of gold bullion per month from 15kg following the resuscitation of the yellow metal producer by Anmack Mining Private Limited.
Speaking during a tour of the mine on Wednesday, Midlands Provincial Affairs minister, Owen Ncube, said the growth of Sabi Gold Mine would boost the economy of the province.
“I am impressed by the level of gold production here at Sabi which is reported to be on average 27 000 tonnes of ore per month with gold bullion production of an average 40kg per month up from 15kg per month before the coming on board of Anmack Mining Private Limited,” Ncube said.
“The company also increased the crushing plant capacity from 400 tonnes per day to 1 200 tonnes per day by investing in a primary crusher.”
He commended the gold producer for selling its gold to Fidelity Gold Refinery saying the transparent and formal way taken by the firm in trading its bullion would support the growth of the Midlands provincial economy and realisation of the country’s ambitious US$12 billion mining economy by 2025.
Ncube said the mine increased its workforce after recruiting 620 employees up from 120 during the time when it was under maintenance.
He said Anmack also improved operations at the mine by refurbishing underground mining compressed air, restoring water reticulation and travel ways, installing underground loading stations and deepening of the shaft from 11 to level 14.
The large-scale gold producer was also commended for its corporate social responsibility programme through community borehole drilling and solar electrification of healthcare facilities, among others.
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