What started as indistinct chatter of disapproval on the night of May 21 escalated quickly. Crowds had braved the drizzly cold to commemorate Zimdancehall legends and celebrate the tenth anniversary of ChillSpot Records, not to listen to politician after politician gloat about the help they’d allegedly given to the music scene.
What started as indistinct chatter of disapproval on the night of May 21 escalated quickly. Crowds had braved the drizzly cold to commemorate Zimdancehall legends and celebrate the tenth anniversary of ChillSpot Records, not to listen to politician after politician gloat about the help they’d allegedly given to the music scene.
Sikhonjwa said the fact that his restaurant has a public announcement system, radio and television doesn’t mean that they play Zimura clients’ music.
Sikhonjwa said the fact that his restaurant has a public announcement system, radio and television doesn’t mean that they play Zimura clients’ music.