Are you one of those women in business who while scrolling through Facebook stops to take a Quizony test because you have questions about who you really are? OK, I’ll admit it. I am one of those women, but it isn’t because I don’t know my brand. It’s because I do!
Starting a business will be the greatest adventure every woman will ever take. It starts with the revelation that she believes enough in herself that she can do it! Day and night, she contemplates the perfect name that will become her dream for her future as an entrepreneur. Once decided, she is off to launch her business. The […]
Every Business Woman wants to make more money this year than last year. It doesn’t matter if the business is a year old or 20 years old, the entrepreneur/owner decides to achieve a new high for annual revenues. When asked, “What information are you basing your new revenue goal on?” the answer I hear is […]
A Forbes article “The Confidence Gap and Women Entrepreneurs” got me thinking about whether confidence is something we are born with, must learn as a child, or can acquire as an adult. Since the larger debate of whether entrepreneurs are born or taught has great points on either side, the fact that it may really […]
In 2013, the talk of getting a seat at the table for professional women and women in business has been the buzz with the new constitution giving more room to women. As we close the year I would assess this and ask; do women have a seat at the table? Should women be screaming for their right […]