Sikhala Remains Caged … Battles For Freedom

Sikhala Remains Caged  … Battles For Freedom


LEGISLATOR Job Sikhala was back before magistrate Stanford Mambanje, battling for freedom after spending more than three months in remand prison.

Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) vice chairman, and Zengeza West Legislator, arrested over allegations of obstructing or defeating the course of justice in the murder of Moreblessing Ali case made a fresh bail application citing changed circumstances.

Through his lawyer Beatrice Mutetwa, Sikhala argued that he was a perfect candidate for bail based on changed circumstances.

Mutetwa argued that Sikhala did not have a propensity of committing a crime but rather it was the police who had the propensity to arrest him.

“The propensity is on the police who continue to arrest him without any conviction, the denying of bail based on grounds of violation of bail conditions, the state has up to now failed to place the evidence of the bail violations,” Mutetwa argued.

The state represented by Lancelot Mutsokoti opposed the bail application saying there were no changed circumstances to warrant a relook.

He argued that Sikhala’s current detention was justifiable because of the seriousness of the alleged offence which had nothing to do with political persecution.

Sikhala’s co- lawyer Jeremiah Bamu speaking to journalists said the Court will deliver its ruling Tuesday.

 “We made an application for bail under changed circumstances citing the passage of time, weakening of state case among other grounds, the court requested for more time to consider its ruling.  The matter will come back tomorrow for ruling at 215,” Bamu said.

Sikhala has been languishing in remand since 14 June when he was arrested together with Godfrey Sithole over allegations of inciting violence.

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa has dismissed the arrests as political persecution as tempers escalate ahead of the 2023 general elections.

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