ED Warns War Veterans


PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has warned members of the war veteran’s league in his party, who are ambitious and power-hungry, from violating the Zanu PF constitution ahead of their congress.

Mnangagwa addressing a Zanu PF politburo meeting told war veterans they must keep their fight for power in line with the party ethos.

“Those who clandestinely interfere with the business of the War Veterans League stand warned. This strategic league must be anchored on discipline more so that its members are trained cadres. You must therefore reject interference – don’t allow the spirit of legion to possess you,” Mnangagwa said.

There is a tussle for power in the War Veterans League ahead of their inaugural congress as a full Zanu PF member.

Mnangagwa who faces his own congress this year told the politburo that he expected the War veterans to elect its leaders while following all processes.

“In terms of the party constitution, there are processes and procedures which must be undertaken prior to these events, all these must be followed and observed to the letter. In this regard, provinces must be guided accordingly,” Mnangagwa said.

Zanu PF internal elections have been marred by violence, allegations of rigging, and vote buying as big wigs fighting to get a seat on the converted Central Committee and politburo.

The posts come with rich pickings, which include party-issued vehicles, salaries and unlimited travel in a country jobs are difficult to come by.

Watch ZANU-PF’s 365th Politburo Session here:


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