Chamisa Warns ED Over Violence … Prepares For Inauguration

Chamisa Warns ED Over Violence  … Prepares For Inauguration


THE tempo ahead of the 2023 general elections went up as leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) opposition party, Nelson Chamisa openly challenged President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF party, during a press conference in Harare.

Chamisa smarting from a violent attack during a political rally in Gokwe, Thursday allegedly at the hands of Zanu PF supporters told Mnangagwa, that the violence won’t stop him from snatching a win.

“I want to say to ZANU PF I will go anywhere and everywhere, you will not stop me, you are not the owners of this country, Zimbabwe belongs to Zimbabweans. Mr. Mnangangwa accept fair competition. Don’t resort to your tactics that you have used before, they will not work on me. That I can tell you,” said Chamisa.

He went further to challenge Mnangagwa to an election debate on a national platform, saying that if he accepts the invite the leader of the ruling Zanu PF would be humbled.

The CCC leader who is looking to wrestle power from Mnangagwa has faced violent attacks whenever he visits rural areas which are regarded as Zanu PF strongholds urged supporters to protect themselves from violence.

“I have told our supporters, they want to kill you because you are wearing yellow, don’t wear it, let’s go operation Mango, yellow inside green outside. Be Zanu PF in everything, chant their slogans, attend their meetings so that we save your lives,” said Chamisa.

Over 16 CCC supporters and three journalists were injured during the attacks which rocked Gokwe Kabuyuni, Thursday ahead of a by-election that is hotly contested between Zanu PF and CCC.

Chamisa called for peace as tensions continue to escalate, saying he was not prepared to walk on dead bodies on his way to State House.

“Violence is not in our DNA peace is our language, peace is our nature and peace is our next step forward for Zimbabwe. Mark my words, in the past we’d win elections but not transfer power now we are focusing on not just transferring power, already the inauguration plan is in place,” said Chamisa.

Watch the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) President, Nelson Chamisa Press Conference here:

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