
Moses Busendi of Centenary, Kadzungura village was slapped with a 20-year prison term, for killing his wife over alleged infidelity early this year.

High Court Judge Justice Joseph Musafa, found Busendi, guilty of striking his wife twice with an axe on her head twice and killing her instantly over allegations of infidelity.

It was the state’s case that on 10 March 2020, Busendi had a misunderstanding with his now deceased wife, whom he suspected of having an extra marital affair.

After the argument Busendi left his home and headed to his brother’s homestead where he asked for and was given an axe.

He returned to his homestead where he then struck the deceased on her head twice.

After killing his wife, Busendi gave himself up to the police, but after attempting to kill himself by drinking rat poison intending to commit suicide.

An autopsy was conducted and it was concluded that the cause of the death was brain injury, multiple skull bone wounds and fractures as well as severe head trauma.

In passing judgement justice Musafa said the court noted that Busendi had paid compensation to the deceased family.

“What is not clear is who paid the compensation, the accused or his relatives but the court noted that there was compensation paid to the deceased family,”

‘’Murder is a serious offense and no one is allowed to kill someone if no reason. It must be taken into account that the deceased body was found with 7 injuries on her body said,’’ Musafa.

In his ruling justice Musafa said the evidence shows there was some prior planning.

“I therefore l take that into account and the court finds it appropriate for the accused to be sentenced to 20 years in prison,” he said.

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