DEMONSTRATIONS, social media outbursts and post will not move the Zanu PF led government or even force it to any negotiations, its leader President Emmerson Mnangagwa told the last party Central Committee meeting today.


He told Central committee members that Zanu PF has managed to resist all efforts of opposition political forces to distabilise his government through demonstrations and social media lies.


“In unity we triumphed against the clandestine machinations and onslaught from our detractors which manifested through social media platforms and foiled demonstrations,” Mnangagwa said.


The President said vigilance was to be kept at high levels going into 2021 warning that non-governmental organizations and foreign governments were after him.


“As we go into the New Year let us remain vigilant and alive to the unrelenting and nefarious neocolonial agenda being pursued by some foreign governments through opposition parties, Non-governmental organizations, opportunistic individuals and dubious organizations to discredit our country, reverse the gains of our hard-won independence and retard or slow down our developmental trajectory,” Mnangangwa said.


Mnangagwa has been accused of clamping down with brutal force on opposition political parties and opposing voices in acts condemned by the international community as violating basic human rights.


On July 31 a planned anti-corruption demonstration was swiftly blocked by soldiers and police officers who used Covid 19 regulations to seal out the entire CBD and prohibit any demonstrations.


Those seen as instigators of the July 31 demonstrations, through use of social media were arrested and a facing various charge including attempting to remove a democratically elected government from power.


Jacob Ngarivhume, Job Sikhala and Hopewell Chin’ono were some of those arrested ahead and after the failed demonstrations.


MDC Alliance and its leader Nelson Chamisa have been banking on demonstrations and street protests to force Mnangagwa and his government to the negotiating table.


Chamisa has also been pushing SADC, AU and other international government unions to push Mnangagwa into the corner with little success.


Government is now pushing for a new law that will bar private players from engaging or negotiating with foreign governments.

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