Mwonzora Takes Dig on Sikhala

By Enesia Runyararo Munyanyi

THE MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora took a dig at legislators Job Sikhala and Daniel Molokele saying they were not competent enough to find a place in his shadow cabinet announced Wednesday afternoon.

Mwonzora who Tuesday announced that he was leader of the MDC Alliance was taken to task for excluding senior legislators like Sikhala and Molokele from his shadow cabinet of 26 ministers, but he hit back saying they were incompetent.

“Job Sikhala, Daniel Molokele whose ministry should they have taken, who is less competent than them on this list… now we have Brian Dube who is a lawyer, we have advocate Chinyanganya who is a lawyer, we have Ruben Chikudo who is an international trade lawyer which one should have been displaced by the people you mention,” asked Mwonzora in response.

He went further to say the two lawyers were not as competent as those who had been appointed in the MDC-T shadow cabinet.

“Taking advantage that I was a law lecturer for a number of years and I have knowledge of some of these lawyers, I was fortified that the choices we made were the best choices in the circumstances, they are the best lawyers, they are better lawyers in my respectful view,” said Mwonzora.

Molokele and Sikhala, although they have not been recalled from parliament, have openly declared allegiance to the MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa and refused to join hands with Mwonzora.

The 26 member shadow cabinet which includes vice president Elias Mudzuri who is being investigated by police on allegations of murder and Tapiwa Mashakada (shadow finance minister) facing allegations of stealing ZWL$4 million from the party.

Mwonzora said his shadow cabinet would offer alternative policies for government and mirror the form and structure of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s cabinet.

“The shadow ministries mirror the ministries that are in the government but however in some instances we had to disentangle other ministries in order to facilitate easy focused oversight on the relevant ministries,” Mwonzora said

Some of the shadow ministers are Morgan Komichi, Defence and war veterans, Dube foreign affairs among others.

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