YVETTE ALT MILLER Swastikas have a long history and are widely employed around the world today. The state of Victoria in Australia has made it illegal to display swastikas. After racist incidents increased 750% over the past year and a half, Victorian legislators moved to ban the Nazi-linked image. “Victoria has now become the first […]
YVETTE ALT MILLER Swastikas have a long history and are widely employed around the world today. The state of Victoria in Australia has made it illegal to display swastikas. After racist incidents increased 750% over the past year and a half, Victorian legislators moved to ban the Nazi-linked image. “Victoria has now become the first […]
Moyo, who also chairs the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair Company (ZITF), yesterday told NewsDay that letters of credit issued to the cooking oil industry were insufficient to cover their foreign currency requirements, which amount to US$24 million per month for crude soyabean oil.