Urgent economic structural transformation necessary
Radical Economic Structural Transformation (Rest) is now necessary to reinvent and modernise our industrial base. In doing so we have to take account of both our history and the future. Our new industrial policy must learn from the past while embracing the fourth industrial revolution so that we may leapfrog and utilise technological advancement to recreate our economy.
Revealed: ‘Con job’ that cost ED dearly
Mnangagwa’s projected harvest has been reduced to about seven tonnes per hectare from the original projection of 10 tonnes/ha after quelea birds went out of control, officials familiar with the issue have told The Standard.
Revealed: ‘Con job’ that cost ED dearly
Mnangagwa’s projected harvest has been reduced to about seven tonnes per hectare from the original projection of 10 tonnes/ha after quelea birds went out of control, officials familiar with the issue have told The Standard.