Cyprian M Ndawana
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Wake up Mr President, Blair is in the past, and remains there
It was below the Presidential norms that your handshake with Blair caused you celebration and contentment.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Sep. 14, 2022
Mr President, longevity is a treasure beyond measure
Commonly, at the age of 80 years, one’s contemporaries will be conspicuous by faded inscriptions on their tombstones.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Sep. 21, 2022
Mr President, Zim has never known respite from terror
It is crucial for the electoral processes to be credible, free and fair. Ultimately, the winning party secures the honourable privilege to rule on behalf of the people.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Sep. 28, 2022
Mr President, you hold on power through brutality
Sadly, the multitude in South Africa, whose residence and work permits will not be renewed beyond their next expiry dates in June next year are dreadful of repatriation.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Oct. 5, 2022
Mr President, how far with the hyped mega deals?
Your Excellency, this school of thought is not just. It amounts to playing ducks and drakes with the Gukurahundi atrocities.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Oct. 26, 2022
Mr President, Zanu PF oftentimes erupts in annoyance
Your Excellency, your party needs not bother about external destabilisers. As I see it, it has the infinite capacity from within for self-harm.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Nov. 2, 2022
Mr President, death knell for citizenry to enjoy civility was sounded
A case in point is the ordeal your party went through following decades of venerating the deposed late former President Robert Mugabe.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Nov. 16, 2022
I beseech thee that you truly unite us
Your Excellency, it is inevitable that the attempt on your life will forever cast a dark shadow over you. Y
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Nov. 23, 2022
Seize the chance to unite nation, now!
Your Excellency, upon commencement of your Presidency, you hastened to be ardently prodigal with the trust citizenry had deposited in you.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Nov. 30, 2022
Mr President, there is more to loans than meet, greet
Methinks there is more to the loans than meet and greet.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Dec. 7, 2022
MPs for sale, damnable loans
Public service delivery system throughout the country has glumly deteriorated for want of funding and strategic forethought.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Dec. 14, 2022
5 years down the line, ED’s rule has been disastrous
Your Excellency, as I see it, it is now the norm for the festive season to be without merriment.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Dec. 28, 2022
Mr President, Zim is stuck in an economic morass
Most families doddered through the year underfed. Essentially, the generality of citizenry are malnourished, living on less than a dollar a day.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Jan. 4, 2023
Good day Mr President: 2023 elections: Crucial test of your Statesmanship
Yet, fears of wide scale politically-motivated violence are festering. There are premonitions galore that the harmonised elections are bound to be bloodthirsty.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Jan. 11, 2023
Blessed are the peacemakers
It was imperative for you to practise discerning leadership. Uppermost on your to-do list must have been the inculcation of national tolerance.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Jan. 25, 2023
Zim crying out for political remaking
Given the perpetual grinding poverty, anyone with a conscience commiserates with Zimbabweans on listening to the song.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Feb. 8, 2023
Nguema’s villa gift stinks to high heavens
Be that as it may, time will tell. Meanwhile, methinks the hefty loans you lavished ministers and parliamentarians with are beginning to make sense.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Feb. 15, 2023
Sikhala detention soiling new dispensation
There are no discernible benefits to Zimbabwe for associating with Belarus, Uganda and Equitorial Guinea.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Feb. 22, 2023
Dearth of statecraft blights new dispensation
Despite attending the famed investment conferences in Davos, Switzerland, your efforts have failed miserably to make the day for investors.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Mar. 1, 2023
History repeats itself
It is a misnomer that the main airport and some roads in every city are named after him.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Mar. 8, 2023
Jitters over Al Jazeera exposé telling
Given their hallmark mulish determination to always be on the offensive, oddly, they are on the defensive.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Mar. 15, 2023
Time ripe for old guard to step down
It is long overdue for Zimbabwe to implement intentional eradication of hostilities.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Mar. 22, 2023
Al Jazeera exposé signals doom
None of the said criminals and land barons who surrounded Mugabe were ever convicted, despite your acknowledgement of knowing them.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Mar. 29, 2023
Media team letting down President
Although your specific concerns might not dovetail with mine, they nonetheless usher me into the arena to discuss a topic that I subscribe to dearly.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Apr. 5, 2023
Uhuru celebrations now a stale ritual
They warrant you as the commander-chief of the armed forces to repent and be baptised, instead of regarding churches as captive audiences for election campaigns.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Apr. 19, 2023
Good day Mr President: Beware the Ides of March
Given the trend of acquittals of the Zanu PF ruling elite on corruption charges, it is evident that graft is ingrained in the party’s DNA.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Apr. 26, 2023
Good Day Mr President: You’ve rendered yourself an accomplice in electoral fraud
Given the arguments that followed your acceptance of the report, the anticipated August harmonised elections are obviously bound to fail the credibility test.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
May. 24, 2023
We get older too soon and wise too late
True, Adesina was aware of the sanctions narrative. Yet, he did not entertain it. Methinks he mentioned sanctions diplomatically to assuage your ego.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
May. 31, 2023
Patriot Bill: an enemy, barrier to democracy
Granted, Tuesday last week was a sad day for citizenry as your threat to cut short lives of the opposition was given teeth through legislation.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Jun. 7, 2023
Accountability is the bedrock of veritable leaders
It is foundational for progressive leadership to love thy neighbour as thyself.
By Cyprian M Ndawana
Jun. 28, 2023
New movement vows to stop Mnangagwa third term bid, throws weight behind Chiwenga
Feb. 16, 2025