
AMH is an independent media house free from political ties or outside influence. We have four newspapers: The Zimbabwe Independent, a business weekly published every Friday, The Standard, a weekly published every Sunday, and Southern and NewsDay, our daily newspapers. Each has an online edition.

  • Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Manager: tmutambara@alphamedia.co.zw
  • Tel: (04) 771722/3
  • Online Advertising
  • Digital@alphamedia.co.zw
  • Web Development
  • jmanyenyere@alphamedia.co.zw

Fare thee well Ambuya Chiweshe

Go well Mutenhesanwa. Ndima yamakarova makadzikisa gejo, hapashayi chinomera. Ndinotenda muchembere (You acquitted yourself well. Thank you grandma).
By Joshua Saunyama Mufunde Jan. 24, 2023

Mangoma, a man of multiple talents

NewsDay Weekender caught up with Mangoma, who shared his experiences in the competitive showbiz industry.
By Tendai Sauta Oct. 29, 2022