The championship will be used to select athletes that will represent the country at the upcoming World Junior Championships and Youth Olympics.
A total of 57 athletes from nine countries will participate in the continental championships which are running from April 28-30 at the EFC Arena in South Africa
The 12-track album titled The Great Physician will end the Harare-based musical group’s four-year sabbatical having dropped its debut album titled Musandipfuure in 2018.
Mataya fought in the seventh bout on the opening day of the developmental continental championship which is being hosted by Mixed Martial Arts South Africa (MMASA), in partnership with the EFC Performance Institute.
Mupfumira is facing a charge of criminal abuse of office. The former minister, who is being represented by Admire Rubaya, filed an application at the High Court seeking a review of magistrate Ngoni Nduna’s ruling dismissing her application for discharge at the close of the State case.
They were vetted last month in a very chaotic process which resulted in a female ex-combatant Nomathani Moyo (66) dying in a queue in Elangeni Training Centre in Bulawayo awaiting her turn to be vetted.
The Unicef report said the government spent only 13,1% of the national budget towards education against 20% global recommendation.
The Harare giants have been without Tinotenda Muringai who picked a knee injury preparing for the Independence Trophy final clash against Highlanders.
Rhodesia faced serious sanctions, but the country rapidly developed notwithstanding. During Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) Rhodesian list of import substituted goods increased from 300 to 6 000 products. We must learn from that.
Sarah Munhu’s body was found lying on the roadside on the morning of August 11, 2017, a day after the gruesome murder.
The fund, availed through United Nations (UN) Women, seeks to enhance access to COVID-19 testing and vaccination as well as awareness of the respiratory disease to over 103,210 women in the two districts.
Tobacco is on a rebound in this southern African nation where production plummeted from a peak of 260 million kilogrammes (290 000 tonnes) in 1998 to less than 50 million kilogrammes (60 000 tonnes) a decade later following the eviction of several thousand white farmers who accounted for the majority of growers.