Stable and transparent policies are essential as investors seek stability. They need assurance that policies will not change unpredictably.
The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition is right. Corruption has reached a crisis point and good people can no longer remain silent.
The ZiG, was supposed to stabilise the economy as well as bring ease to the transacting public.
Fiscal policies need to strike a delicate balance, according to the Association of Chinese New Energy Miners.
We understand the bank's decision to leave, but we expect a more considerate approach when it comes to the welfare of its employees.
This year, the country expects to produce 265 million kg of tobacco, from a record harvest of 296 million last year.
The situation will not get better because it seems the legislation applies selectively
Veritas explained that to reach the necessary GNI numbers, major growth in the main economic sectors would have to take place — some having to double in size.
The visionary masterplan is a long-term plan that will develop the ZITF grounds by introducing modern world-class amenities to the City of Bulawayo.
The reason we are talking about the truth today is that, in Zimbabwe, certain government officials and institutions have a history of lying to the public and seem to enjoy it.
As Zimbabweans, we all want to have a functional currency, but in order for that to happen, the government needs to carefully consider its policy options.
Mushayavanhu, a veteran banker with over 30 years’ experience, assumes governorship at a time the banking sector is facing a plethora of challenges, chief among them a confidence deficit.
Listed businesses, such as Innscor Africa and National Foods Holdings claim that these changes have led to a great deal of uncertainty in the way taxes are handled throughout the economy. 
This week, platinum giant Zimplats initiated a voluntary layoff exercise for all employees to keep the company afloat in the low-price metal market.
Studies show that Zimbabwe produces around 6% of the world's tobacco output. As of 2023, the value of tobacco products sold around the world amounted to US$850 billion.
High spending authorities must begin serious cutbacks to a range of luxuries, including expensive globe-trotting adventures and spending on fast cars.
Zimbabwe cannot tap into this and other similar funding windows because lenders know that repayments would be difficult to get.
Basically, Milei argued that when a government gets in the way of an economy having a “market discovery”, its companies produce less.
It has always been, but there has been no political will to address the concerns that it has raised.
There seems to be a deterioration of this problem, while law enforcement agencies and the entire government bury their head in the sand as if nothing serious is taking place.
This must be the last time such kindergarten blunders are made.
Lithium royalties increased by more than 100%.
But each time living standards have plummeted in the midst of overdrives of propaganda, officials have not been held to account.
Unless serious work begins to address the power crisis, even ambitious targets set under Vision 2030 are in grave danger.
On the other hand, he must seriously pursue ongoing debt restructuring efforts.
The controversial tax has been widely condemned as an extra burden on industry, and citizens already struggling to make ends meet.
We talk about this to highlight that, while the government is working on tapping into the informal sector, it needs to speed up whatever it is doing.
By removing the Treasury’s control over the MIF and Zida, there are no longer several bodies that can analyse what happens with tax payers’ funds. Absolutely no one.
Currently, a political party in Zimbabwe can undermine the will of the people by simply writing a letter to the Speaker of Parliament, thereby undoing the decision made by the people.
In the case of IPPs, there has been a scale back in terms of implementing investment proposals.
In her report, acting Auditor-General Rheah Kujinga noted that there were 51 entities that had not yet submitted financial statements for audit.
NRZ has been mercilessly stripped off and left to collapse by the usual suspects — looting politicians in government and other strategic institutions.
Mines are driving Zimbabwe’s economy, judging by the scale of investments flowing into chrome, gold and lithium fields alone.
They are demanding swift changes to the way Mutapa Investment Fund (MIF) was established, especially with indications that public funds may be at the mercy of looters under its current state.
Where logistics are poor, economic growth will be slow, and social services will be affected. Surely, this is not what Zimbabwe wants for now.
For many years, industrialists have warned about the ramifications of high costs of doing business in Zimbabwe, for instance.
After seeing the currency depreciating by over 500% in the first quarter alone, and how this wiped out incomes, Zimbabweans are ill equipped to handle another wave of turmoil.
This is not a good sign. The reason for this rejection is simple.
His predecessor had refined the art of threats and rolling out harsh laws and policies before he was toppled, which defined the final 17 years of his disastrous rule.
This was very clear during the Lima debt clearance plan in 2015, which flopped because Mugabe wanted things his way
The worry is, selfish politicians have repeated the same mistake over many years because their ambitions have nothing to do with building a vibrant Zimbabwean economy.
The data also exposes how deception has ruined this economy.
One British national and three Indians were arrested in the heavily fortified Chiadzwa diamond fields two weeks ago before being freed.
Creating confusion in order to loot is a language that many bigwigs in President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government have perfectly mastered.
This was an important insight — one that has been ignored by government, pension funds and insurers for many years.
The three-year long Hwange expansion project became one of Mnangagwa’s biggest achievements since ascending to power in 2017.
It only works for political gamesmanships, when politicians want to convince the majority that they are on top of the situation.
Sales of 261 million kilogrammes as of last week means
But signals sent to markets were negative due to lack of clarity.
Zimbabwe’s economy surrendered 50% of its gross domestic product (GDP) within the first decade of the confrontations.