My Dear People
The announcement by the Scarfmore regime that it has begun the process to procure equipment for cancer treatment more than seven years after being propelled into power on the back of guns and tanks, has laid bare the despicable levels of selfishness and incompetence of this so-called second repubric.
That this announcement has only come about after pressure from doctors on why the equipment for the treatment of cancer has not been purchased, despite the regime having collected millions of dollars through the sugar tax for that precise purpose, only amplifies the shameful neglect by this coup cabal.
It has exposed yet for the umpteenth time the misplaced priorities at Munhumutapa building.
It is embarrassing that public hospitals do not have critical equipment for the cure of cancer and yet the regime has splurged millions of dollars building spacious villas and VVIP airport pavilions.
The inordinate delay to procure cancer equipment and other crucial machinery for kidney dialysis is a damning indictment to first lady Auxillia who is the patron of the health sector.
It also points out just how preposterous it is for Health minister Douglas Mombeshora to be spewing nonsense about helipads at public hospitals when these health institutions lack basic essentials such as bandages and painkillers, never mind cancer machines.
- A dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion
- Letter to my people: Third term maneuvers will be his downfall
- Letter to my people: Ngwena won’t fool anyone with his antics
- Letter to my people: Sadc’s see no evil, hear no evil policy a huge risk
Keep Reading
The circus to extend the overwsshelmingly inept leadership of Scarfmore to 2030 has reached levels of acute desperation.
The turmoil in the ruining Zanu PF over the demonstration last week by some youths against extending the impoverished leadership of the Scarfed One amid calls for their arrest shows the phobia of democracy in the ideologically vacuous Scarfmore led party.
The recent threat by the Zanu PF Harare province chairman Goodwills Maismirembwa to expel any party member that does not beg the Scarfed One to stay in office has clearly shown that even democracy within the rudderless party remains a rare commodity.
This is why I hoot with laughter when anyone who calls for Scarfmore to extend his vapid leadership, despite the octogenarian saying he has no interest to do so, is said to be exercising their democratic right.
This democratic right to express themselves disappears for those in the party that call for Scarfmore to step down when his term of office expires in 2028 and moreso, for those who discuss whom they would like to succeed him .
It is only under this dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion that those in the party that concur with Scarfmore’s refusal to go beyond his Constitutional term limit are the ones threatened with expulsion.
The amateurishly coordinated campaign to extend the coup cabal leader’s term of office , including the visit by parliamentarians to Scarfmore’s farm, has left me convinced that the Lacoste leader does not have an iota of sincerity when he says he wants to leave office in 2028.
The scandals being revealed by the current commission of inquiry into the goings ons at Harare City Council is a horrific tale of impunity and abuse of ratepayers in the capital city. From obscene wages and perks to the millions of dollars spent on useless jaunts, the commission of inquiry has exposed the rot at the Jacob Mafume-led council.
It has shown that the councillors in the opposition party the Citizens Coalition for Change are no better than their corrupt counterparts in Zanu PF.
The problem, of course, is that Scarfmore regime which has instituted the commission of inquiry does so with dirty hands.
If the revelations by the auditor general’s office of the malfeasance and corruption in government departments is anything to go by, it is double standards on an industrial scale to investigate the opposition-led city council and not institute a similar commission of inquiry into the stinking corruption and impunity within government departments.
It is indeed the biblical term of the regime looking at the speck in one’s eyes and totally ignoring the log in the numerous own eye.
It would be of great interest if a commission of inquiry was also set up to ventilate the shenanigans in the numerous government departments, which I have no doubt would make the graft at Harare City Council look like a picnic in comparison.
The Gukurahundi outreach programme, sponsored by the Scarfmore regime to investigate the massacre of an estimated 20 000 people in the Midlands and Matabeleland regions in the 1980s has now been pushed to the first quarter of the year, we have been told.
There seems to be no hurry to start the process, the Scarfed One has been talking about it since being catapulted into office in the throes of gunpowder in 2017.
There is already a farcical feel of this process given that the chiefs who have been mandated to lead the programme are seriously compromised by the trinkets they have received from the Lacoste regime which include vehicles.
That chiefs who have been at the forefront of frog-marching citizens within their jurisdiction to vote for Scarfmore and Co. during elections, have the mandate of leading the outreach of such a sensitive issue, is nothing short of preposterous.
I, for one, am not holding my breath over the outcome of this clearly flawed process.
On the eve of the Zifa elections yesterday, Wicknell Chivayo made several pledges to presidential candidate Nqobile Magwizi, which included a US$10 million package for the association in the event that his favoured horse wins.
The timing by Chivayo was obviously meant to influence the polls. It did not come as a surprise for me that the incident did not cause any outrage.
As Zimbabweans we have normalised the abnormal. You are not even going to ask where that money that was being thrown around came from.
The so-called Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission won’t even ask the son to reveal the source of his unexplained wealth.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)