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Letter from America: Can Democrats save Kamala from herself?

Kamala Harris

In dealing with US politics, the thing to remember is that the Republicans are the stupid party and even when they are in power, they dance to the tune of the Democrats.

 Democrats, therefore, as the brainy party, have captured public media and intelligentsia and control the “Deep State.” But like King Midas, they are too clever for their own good and lack common sense.

Along those lines, since 2020 when they ensconced Joseph Biden to the US presidency, he was already suffering from Alzheimer and dementia, but managed through all sorts of tricks to keep him away from the public while they ran affairs of state from the background.

Democrats are the coolest cats in the world.

Now, having found another Manchurian candidate, they are at it again. They are desperate to avoid the Biden fiasco.

Biden was exposed in an interview, in which, according to a presidential advisor “appeared like a senile occupant in an assisted living, drooling and waiting to be spoon-fed with apple sauce,” the game was up.

Former Congressman Joe Scarborough told us on his “Morning Joe Show” to stop bed-wetting about Biden.

“Biden is far beyond cogent. He has been better than he has EVER been intellectually, analytically he is the best ever.”

“Don’t believe your lying eyes.” We were told.

Three weeks later, Democrats dropped Biden as their presidential candidate and replaced him with an Asian Californian woman, Kamala Harris.

Harris, lovingly known as Kamala, an attorney, is younger and pretty but has the brains of a chicken.

In the primary elections of 2020 in her home state of California, she did not get a single vote and dropped out in the first round

According to judge Joe Brown, she rose to high position first by raising her skirt to California king maker Speaker Willie Brown (then 60) when she was 22.

At that tender age, she was appointed to two medical boards which paid over half a million dollars per year. From there on, she was on her way.

As state attorney, she kept 1 500 felons in prison long after they had served their time and was forced to release evidence in favor of a black man kept in jail wrongfully.

She laughed about locking them up. With an Asian (mother from India) she never claimed or sympathized with black causes.

She was placed on the Biden vice presidential ticket in order to guarantee the female voting support.

Democrats win elections by conjuring up coalitions of disgruntled groups; itself a brilliant but tactical nightmare.

Blacks are scared by the threat that Republicans will return them to slavery. Women, especially in this election, are told that Republicans want to control their sex lives and force them back in time to back-alley abortions. Immigrants are told that Republicans will deport them. Students are promised that their loans will be forgiven.

In this election Democrats are bleeding from the challenge by black males who regard the welfare system as empowering women to stay single as a condition for government largesse. This has emasculated Afro-male hood.

Republicans under Donald Trump have proposed an alternative as a goal for everybody, a stable economy, low interest rates, ability to buy a house and provide support for family under full employment.

The first Biden sin was to close the Canadian oil pipeline-an action which raised all prices by 24 percent as petrol prices rose from US$2 per gallon to US$5 per gallon. As interest rates rose the housing market came to a dead end.

It is common sense my dear Dr. Watson.

But Democrats have no common sense. Just one more item before we go to Kamala. Democrats have spent much energy on “securing the rights of trans-gender kids.”

Surrounded by female teachers in their early years, feminizing of American boys has reached an alarming rate. It is not unusual for boys to prefer to play girlish roles in school plays, even wishing that their tails be cut off so they can be like girls.

Kamala is not Obama.

Kamala is the worst possible campaigner, that is why she did not get a single vote in the primaries.

She suffers from an identity crisis. As a politician of color, it has been impressed on her to become the second coming of president Barak Obama (2008-2016). But there are no two Obamas.

Dana Bash of Cable News Network asked yesterday the simplest question in the book. “What will you do on the first day when you become president?”

“Well, we are a (sic) number of things. I will tell you, first and foremost, one of my highest priorities is to do what we can do to support and strengthen the middle calls. When I look at the aspirations, the goals, the ambitions of the American people, I think that people are ready for a new way forward, in a way that generations of Americas have been fueled by hope and by optimism.”

The last sentence is Obamaspeak but at the wrong place and time.

I offer a chicken to the first reader to tell me what those two sentences mean.

If these sentences are not gibberish, Kamala went on to clarify her stance. “Well,” She said, “Oh, the aspirations, the goals of the ambitions (sic) people, in a way the generations have been pushed…and fueled by hope and ambition- the generation of American people (sic) we are ready for a new way forward.”

Another Obama speak.

If that has not been clarified, she added some more clarification. “Sadly,” Ms Kamala said, “in the last decade, in the last president (sic) who has been (sic) an agenda/dividing the aspirations of the American people.”

The interview was done by CNN for 42 minutes and edited to a 22-minute show which was presented as live. For clarification, Democrats have been in power from 2008-2016 (Obama) and 2021-2024 (Biden).

Kamala is blaming the immediate past decade on Donald Trump (2016-2020) who was in power only for an interregnum.

*Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes from the US. He can be reached at mufukaken@gmail.com

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