Among those Zimbabweans observing the elections in South Africa was Owen Chikukwa in Cape Town.
The loss of power by the African National Congress can easily be explained. Brother Owen put it succinctly.
“The current crop of black leaders are the people’s worst enemies.”
A narrative has emerged in South Africa that the ANC leadership is rotten to the core and that when they walk, talk, sleep and wake up, all they are thinking about is how best to steal from public coffers.
One of the champions of this narrative is Rob Hersov, a third-generation billionaire. Hersov also confesses that president Cyril Ramaphosa was sponsored by white money and that his lack of spine in advocating for white interests has been a disappointment.
There is a similarity with Zimbabwe. It is generally believed that British ambassador Catriona Lang, together with local military interests, were involved in the ouster of longtime tyrant Robert Mugabe.
The main issue was compensation for white farmers. Nevertheless, six veteran US State Department veterans informed the British that their trust was misplaced.
A recent expose of ED’s conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin has confirmed the American position.
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In summary, ED informed Putin that the Americans were consolidating their interests in Zambia and Malawi, leaving Zimbabwe isolated.
This conversation was confidential, despite what the intellectual prostitute, professor Jonathan Moyo wants us to believe.
The question then becomes, whoever released the video to social media, must have known how detrimental it would be to ED’s image and the interests of Zimbabwe in the eyes of the Americans and our neighbors.
We now turn to Sir Wicknell Chivayo who is described in Wikipedia as follows:“A Zimbabwean businessman, thief, and socialite known for his controversial rise to wealth and subsequent involvement in high profile corruption and scandals. He gained notoriety for his lavish lifestyle and connections to influential figures… often overshadowing his business ventures with corruption and fraud.”
I might add that Sir Wicknell first came to public attention in 2008 when the Movement for Democratic Change won Zimbabwe’s elections with 73 percent of the vote.
It was Sir Wicknell who persuaded Morgen Tsvangirai to flee on the night of his historic election victory.
Thus, a historical moment of triumph was lost to the MDC, never to be recovered.
The Sage says; “Do not be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them. For their heart (s) devise violence, and their lips speak of troublemaking.” (Proverbs 24:1)
Surprisingly, Sir Wicknell has not been lonely, even attracting the saints.
I have before me two pieces of evidence associated with Sir Wicknell.
The very first item (of 12 items listed) on an invoice is a Internet Server Hewlett Packard di 380 which can be bought from Amazon for less than US$300.
Sir Wicknell charges the Zec US$1 264 865-over one million dollars. The total bill comes to US$8 964 603.
Padding an invoice is not illegal except that the Zec had announced in 2023 that the printing of the electoral materials would be done by Fidelity Printers subsidiary.
In fact the job was awarded in the middle of the night and secret bank accounts opened in South Africa in order to avoid taxes as well as laundering the money to the mafia associates.
The leaked memo mentions high officers, namely, Mike Chimombe, Moses Mpofu, a third is referred to as DG (director general) and yet a fifth one as moms (presumably a woman in a judicial robe).
Juicy stuff
While Sir Wicknell is not guilty of any crime until a judge says so, the leaking of such material constitutes juicy stuff and undermines confidence in government.
Thus, the government is placed in an unwinnable situation.
These brothers are making money from thin air.
They do not own a printing press, nor do they manufacture anything in the chain of command which produced election materials.
Then they hide their money in South Africa.
Brother Owen is much annoyed by these “crop of leaders.” He asks an annoying question. “Who is benefitting in Zimbabwe from the country’s wealth?”
The conclusion seems to be obvious. “We should abandon identity politics and pull our energies with liberal whites in order to create a new future for ourselves.”
Cruel choices
While there is no easy answer, I can only refer you to what historians’ call “Cruel Choices.”
In short, South African and Zimbabwean blacks have a choice in abandoning the corrupt leadership of the ANC and Zanu PF and joining an alliance with whites.
In Indonesia, the Customs Department, sought to hire a Swiss firm.
The outcry from nationalists dwelt on the humiliation of such a confession and the matter was abandoned.
In Zimbabwe the MDC posed such an alliance, forming an alliance with white farmers.
There is a book on development economics called The Cruel Choice by Denis Goulet (1971).
By incorporating white farmers in their structures in Zimbabwe, the MDC virtually abandoned the very reason for the liberation struggle, recovery of land stolen by white settlers.
That scenario is repeating itself in South Africa. For lack of space, I shall summarize the facts as they present themselves in South Africa.
Cyril Ramaphosa (b 1952), a protégé of Nick Oppenheimer (Anglo-American) and with a US$2.7 billion portfolio in his name, is somewhat removed from the black community.
Joining the Democratic Alliance in coalition, confirms his alienation from the liberation struggle.
One of the leaders of the Democratic Alliance is a brilliant white woman, Helen Zille, who speaks Xhosa flawlessly.
Her world view is aligned with that of the US and the western elites.
This brings the DA into conflict with the ANC on Gaza policy where the US and its UK have been funding, aiding and abetting the genocide in Gaza.
At home, land reform is a no brainer, with Zimbabwe as a bad example.Former president Jacob Zuma believes that a coalition between the DA is the betrayal of the century.
“It is spitting on the graves of those who died for this freedom” and that such a union is a “wedding ceremony of a house negro called Ramaphosa with the slave mistress, Helen Zille.”
There is a similarity between the Zimbabwe case of 2028 and the South African case of 2024.
- Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes from the US. He can be reached at mufukaken@gmail.com