ON Friday night, Jah Prayzah officially launched his 12th album Chiremerera at the Old Hararians Sports Club, which was defined by a great stage set-up and excellent performances.
Chiremerera, which means dignity, had its meaning fulfilled by the highlighting moment when Jah Prayzah's mother did the official announcement of the album after the artiste had performed a couple of his new songs.
Jah Prayzer's mother — together with his wife and uncle — helped drive the point home because, according to the Shona culture, having an elderly member of the family preside over an important ceremony brings dignity to the event.
The new album is a good definition of cultural diversity which was expressed through the various cultural performances as well as features. The most impressive cultural act was from Kigali, Rwanda traditional dancers who performed exceptionally well, a surprise act which mesmerised many and sent others onto the dance floor.
One of the attendees, who is also a music promoter applauded Jah Prayzah for the effort he puts in promoting himself.
“These impressive performances by Jah Prayzah (JP) show how he is into his work, he invests very much into his work. Yes the show was well sponsored, but the way I know JP, he also did put his own money here,” said the promoter.
“As a promoter I know if JP is coming to perform at my event, he is going to bring in people from Chisipite, his brand brings in people who are willing to pay for a US$200 worth ticket which is why he knows that he should invest in his work. Even from his musical videos you can actually tell that money was invested.”
To add a cultural diversity flavour, local traditional dancers also performed at the event.
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Jah Prayzah's album is timely, coming as Zimbabwe is celebrating the culture month which is running under the theme: Promoting Cultural diversity, Unity and Peace; and Chiremerera is exactly what the doctor ordered.
At the launch, Jah Prayzah performed his new tracks Hurungudo, Hasha, Wanga Wakarara, Chiremerera and his intimate duet with Feli Nandi on their Sarungano. He also played some of his old tracks which blended well with the culture theme inherent in the Chiremerera album.
Some of Jah Prayzah’s fans who attended the launch said their respect and appreciation for the artiste and his work has improved while others said they needed more time to understand and enjoy the contents of the new album.
“The album launch is top notch, stage set-up and Jah Prayzah's performance never disappoints, although I really cannot say I am enjoying the new songs maybe because these songs are for those who are really deep into traditional religion,” said Thandaza Mbele.
“So far I enjoyed two songs Chiremerera and Sarungano, maybe as time goes by I will get to enjoy the rest of the songs,” said Nyasha Chaka.
Other performances at the launch were from Mwenje Mathole who did the opening performance, the Mukumba group, Abisha Palma, Dj Airandu and Baba Harare, while Miss Red and Abisha Palma were the masters of ceremony.
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