THE biometric voter registration exercise has forced Zanu PF to put its rigging machinery into motion, fearing a massive defeat if people are allowed a violence-free poll.
Zanu PF structures have assumed supreme command of all farming inputs distribution programme as usual, denying known opposition members inputs as punishment for exercising their right to join a political party of their choice.
It is sad that in most rural areas, opposition members could not get inputs because of their political affiliation, yet this is a national scheme and not a Zanu PF programme. The deliberate and criminal segregation used in the allocation of inputs lays the foundation for a crooked poll.
Some people must be held accountable for criminal abuse of office for releasing government inputs into the hands of Zanu PF functionaries for campaign purposes.
Those getting inputs in some areas are required to present their voter registration slips for the Zanu PF leadership to “capture” serial numbers.
If we do nothing, the brutal and ruining Zanu PF will retain power, making life miserable and unbearable for the majority until 2028 when we will have another election.
Is it not shocking that in this day and age there are people who want to sacrifice this country and mortgage future generations by voting for Zanu PF in exchange for a bag of fertiliser?
This is betrayal of the highest order. Judas Iscariot moments in the 21st century. - Citizen
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AFC Lupane treating clients like beggars
AFC, formerly Agribank’s Lupane branch is treating its valued clients as if they are beggars of no value to it.
Its banking hall is just too small that 10 clients inside at the same time squash together and gasp for life-giving oxygen.
The bank does not strictly observe COVID-19 restrictions and simple basic human rights.
The bank’s verandah is too small that clients waiting for it to open find comfort and convenience by sitting in the public car park, a local authority property, and when the bank opens the queue stretches from the car park to the verandah. Between these two there is a road and clients have to give way to vehicles, especially at peak hours. Come rain, scorching heat and freezing weather, clients are exposed to all these vagaries.
I will tell you something, the elderly (senior citizens) the disabled, expectant mothers and the sick are exposed to adverse weather conditions. Lupane is a rural area and at the bank the aged are in the majority.
The majority if not all of them live with either hypertension, diabetes or a stoop and/or sagging spine and many other ailments. The elderly, especially hypertensive ones collapse in the hot sun.
Make no mistake about this.
Old age comes with all the infirmities imaginable. Management at the bank is very callous. Once upon a time there was a manager by the name of Nkiwane. He was organised as he would make sure the elderly were accommodated at the back of the building where there is some place to sit in the shade. They would be served from there.
In the car park, what happens if an accident occurs involving a client and a vehicle? I bet you the bank will hasten to hire lawyers. What the bank management should do is to allow senior citizens and the infirm to go in three or four at a time. That is what is done at other banks in the cities and towns, including at some money transfer agencies.
Here in Lupane the bank denies its clients their rights because clients are docile and know nothing about their fundamental rights. They quarrel and argue and jostle for space among themselves, young and old. Worse, only one counter is usually open. - Frustrated client
Zanu PF stripping Zim of its resources
THE speed at which the Zanu PF government is looting Zimbabwean resources exceeds that of the hurricanes, typhoons or cyclones which are known for causing catastrophic damage to nations.
Zimbabwe’s woes are complex and are compounded by the Zanu PF government’s misguided policies. The country resembles a war-weary nation.
The destruction of Zimbabwe and distraction of its people from bread and butter issues to colonial and imperial history has helped breed a lost generation. We genuinely believe the Zanu PF government lies that the country is under crippling sanctions which are hampering economic growth in order to plunder natural resources.
That the British and Americans want to recolonise Zimbabwe is a first degree lie and propaganda meant to woodwink the masses into supporting a dead regime under the fear of losing sovereignty.
Such fiction and the emergence of Zanu PF factionalism has distracted the people from issues that matter.
Yet it is the excesses, error of judgment and argument of force instead of the force of argument by Presdent Emmerson Mnangagwa and his clique that have led us to this economic and political decay.
No matter what Mnangagwa and Zanu PF tell the gullible, the truth is they have managed to shamelessly bring the nation to its knees through a cocktail of toxic political and economic measures which no country has ever tried to administer in the 21st century.
Mnangagwa is solely responsible for the economic mismanagement and political crisis which have turned Zimbabwe into a pariah State.
In truth, cyclone Zanu PF has caused mammoth destruction to Zimbabwe which will take years to fix.
The decline of Zimbabwe from being one of Africa’s economic powerhouses to a country living on international donor aid is confirmation of Mnangagwa and Zanu PF’s failure.
The status of agriculture, though on a recovery course, is not pleasing. Mining is not doing any better. - Ranga Fambanai