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National Service in Zim: Path to tackling youth unemployment

National service can provide young people with valuable skills and work experience, making them more employable in the long run.

Dear Mr. President,

Zimbabwe, a nation rich in history and culture, faces significant socio-economic challenges, particularly high youth unemployment and rising crime rates.

These issues are not unique to Zimbabwe, but they pose substantial threats to its social fabric and economic development.

The country's young population, brimming with potential, often finds itself without adequate opportunities for employment or meaningful engagement.

This situation leads to frustration and a sense of hopelessness, which can drive many towards criminal activities as a means of survival. Introducing a national service programme could serve as a transformative strategy to address these challenges, providing numerous benefits to the country and its youth.

Such a programme would not only equip young people with valuable skills and work experience but also instil a sense of purpose and civic duty.

By engaging youth in constructive activities and fostering a sense of national pride, Zimbabwe can pave the way for a more prosperous and stable future.

Youth unemployment, crime in Zim

Youth unemployment in Zimbabwe is alarmingly high, with estimates suggesting that more than half of the youth population is jobless. This high unemployment rate leads to frustration, hopelessness, and, in many cases, a turn towards crime as a means of survival.

The lack of employment opportunities, coupled with inadequate educational and vocational training, leaves many young people ill-prepared for the job market.

Crime rates, particularly among the youth, are on the rise. Petty crimes, drug abuse, and violent crimes have become more prevalent, contributing to a sense of insecurity and instability within communities.

The correlation between unemployment and crime is well-documented; without constructive activities and opportunities, idle youth are more likely to engage in criminal behaviour.

The concept of national service

National service programmes typically involve compulsory or voluntary service by young people in various sectors such as the military, healthcare, education, and community development.

These programmes aim to instil discipline, provide skills training, and foster a sense of national pride and responsibility.

Countries like Israel, South Korea, and Singapore have successfully implemented national service programmes, yielding positive outcomes in terms of national security, social cohesion, and youth development.

Drawing lessons from these countries, Zimbabwe could design a national service programme tailored to its unique socio-economic context.

The following are benefits of national service for Zimbabwe:

Employment and skill development

National service can provide young people with valuable skills and work experience, making them more employable in the long run. Through structured training and hands-on experience in various sectors, participants can acquire technical and soft skills that are highly sought after in the job market.

This can bridge the gap between education and employment, giving youth a competitive edge.

For instance, participants could be trained in fields such as healthcare, agriculture, information technology, and environmental conservation. These skills not only improve their employability but also contribute to the development of essential sectors within the economy.

Reduction in crime rates

Engaging young people in productive activities through national service can significantly reduce the likelihood of them engaging in criminal activities.

The structure, discipline, and purpose provided by national service can divert youth from negative influences and environments that breed crime.

Moreover, national service can instil a sense of civic duty and community responsibility. Participants are likely to develop a stronger connection to their communities and a commitment to maintaining law and order, further contributing to a reduction in crime.

Social cohesion and national unity

National service can play a crucial role in fostering social cohesion and national unity. By bringing together young people from diverse backgrounds to work towards common goals, it can break down social, ethnic, and economic barriers.

Participants learn to appreciate and respect differences, fostering a sense of national identity and solidarity.

This unity is particularly important in a country like Zimbabwe, where historical and political divisions can sometimes undermine national progress. National service can help build a more inclusive and cohesive society.

Civic engagement development

National service can cultivate a generation of active and responsible citizens. Participants gain a deeper understanding of national issues and the importance of contributing to the public good.

This experience can inspire them to take on leadership roles in their communities and beyond.

Leadership training and opportunities within the national service program can prepare youth for future roles in government, business, and civil society. This can lead to a more vibrant and dynamic leadership landscape in Zimbabwe.

Economic benefits

While the initial investment in establishing a national service programme may be substantial, the long-term economic benefits can outweigh the costs.

By reducing unemployment and crime, the programme can lead to a more stable and productive economy. Furthermore, the skills and experience gained by participants can drive innovation and entrepreneurship, contributing to economic growth.

Implementation strategies

To ensure the success of a national service programme in Zimbabwe, careful planning and implementation are essential. Here are some key strategies:

Government commitment and legislation: The Zimbabwean government must demonstrate strong commitment by enacting legislation that supports the establishment and funding of the national service programme. This includes defining the scope, objectives, and structure of the programme.

Collaboration with stakeholders: Successful implementation requires collaboration with various stakeholders, including educational institutions, private sector companies, non-governmental organisations, and international partners.

These stakeholders can provide expertise, resources, and support for different components of the programme.

Comprehensive training and development: The programme should offer comprehensive training that covers technical skills, soft skills, and civic education. This training should be tailored to meet the needs of the economy and the interests of the participants. Emphasis should be placed on practical, hands-on experience.

Incentives for participation: To encourage participation, the programme should offer incentives such as stipends, educational scholarships, and job placement assistance. These incentives can make national service an attractive option for young people.

Monitoring and evaluation: Continuous monitoring and evaluation are crucial to ensure the programme’s effectiveness and sustainability. Regular assessments can identify areas for improvement and measure the impact on youth employment, crime rates, and social cohesion.

Public awareness and support: Public awareness campaigns can help build support for the national service programme. By highlighting the benefits and success stories, the government can garner public buy-in and encourage widespread participation.

Addressing potential challenges: While the benefits of national service are substantial, potential challenges must be addressed to ensure success:

Funding and resources: Securing adequate funding and resources is a primary challenge. The government must allocate sufficient budgetary resources and explore partnerships with the private sector and international donors to support the programme.

Managing large cohorts: Coordinating and managing large cohorts of participants can be complex. Effective administration, logistics, and infrastructure are essential to accommodate and support the participants throughout their service.

Balancing voluntary and compulsory participation: Finding the right balance between voluntary and compulsory participation is crucial. While compulsory service can ensure broad participation, voluntary service may attract more motivated and committed individuals. A hybrid approach could be considered.

Ensuring quality and relevance of training: The training provided must be of high quality and relevant to the job market. Continuous engagement with industry experts and employers can ensure that the skills taught align with market demands.

Sustaining motivation and engagement: Keeping participants motivated and engaged throughout their service can be challenging. Offering diverse and meaningful projects, along with regular feedback and recognition, can help maintain enthusiasm.


Introducing a national service programme in Zimbabwe presents a promising solution to tackle youth unemployment and reduce crime.

By providing young people with valuable skills, work experience, and a sense of purpose, national service can transform lives and contribute to national development.

While challenges such as funding, managing large cohorts, and ensuring quality training exist, these can be overcome with careful planning, strong commitment from the government, and collaboration with stakeholders including educational institutions, private sector companies, and international partners.

The potential benefits of national service extend beyond individual development to fostering social cohesion, national unity, and economic stability.

By engaging youth in constructive activities and instilling a sense of civic duty, Zimbabwe can harness the potential of its young population, reduce crime rates, and build a brighter, more prosperous future for all.

The success of this initiative hinges on continuous evaluation and adaptation to meet the evolving needs of the nation and its youth.

  • Dr Mavengere is a lecturer in the school of pharmacy at the University of Western Australia.

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