NICKNAMED Jah Prayzah in Parliament, Zanu PF Manicaland youth leader Stanley Sakupwanya, who secured a seat in the august House courtesy of the youth quota system, is ecstatic after receiving a luxurious parliamentary vehicle, a Ford Ranger.

Standing above two metres, Sakupwanya (34) is nicknamed after the top Zimbabwean musician Mukudzei Mukombe, affectionately known as Jah Prayzah, because of their striking similarities and height.

Sakupwanya received his car keys in the capital this week and is one of the legislators who have begun receiving their Parliamentary vehicles from the government.

Sakupwanya has naturally become a new centre of attraction in Zimbabwe's new Parliament because of his height and youth league exuberance.

Zanu PF chief whip Pupurai Togarepi confirmed that legislators have started receiving their vehicles from the government.

"We are happy as this will make our work also easier in our constituencies," he said.

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"Our legislators have a key role to play in our constituencies."

Sakupwanya, who studied at Kwazulu Natal University in South Africa, is considered one of the brightest minds in Zanu PF's youth league and has risen through the ranks to become a legislator.

Sakupwanya said he will push for policies that empower youths in the country.