VILLAGERS in ward 3 of Madabe village, Plumtree in Mangwe District, Matabeleland South, are grappling with the devastating effects of a severe drought induced by climate change, but have taken it on themselves to survive.

Despite the challenges, the villagers persevered thanks to the emergency social cash transfer (ESCT) programme introduced by  the government and Unicef, which has enabled them to sustain themselves through various home projects.

While they continue to navigate the challenging recovery process, the communities are, however, calling on the government to maintain the crucial support provided by the ESCT, emphasising its vital role in their ongoing survival and resilience.

Under the ESCT programme, vulnerable families get monthly payments to alleviate poverty.

Goal Zimbabwe are the implementing partners with financial support from the Government of Germany through their KfW Development Bank.

The communities since November last year have been receiving US$54 where some have been able to do projects and generated more income.

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A beneficiary from the programme, Mkhumbulo Mpofu (66), said the project came at a time when the area had been hit by drought.

“This programme has helped the community we had nothing at all. We last received the rains the past two years and we have been hit by severe drought. But through the introduction of this programme, we have managed to start up different projects.

“I have managed to pay school fees for my grandchildren, buy uniforms and food at home. This is a good initiative and we don’t want it to end. As you can see I am an old man and now it’s difficult for me to fend for the family,” he said.

Mpofu added: “We had nothing but then with this help from Goal, it has brought a little hope otherwise we would be dead by now. I am happy and appreciate this programme.

Sipho Moyo (57) said the programme had assisted her including taking care of her grandchildren.

“This programme started in November and the funds have helped me and my family because I was in a crisis.”

“But then after, I saw a change. I am able to get something which I can give to my grandchildren. I have my grandchild who is at high school, this money has helped me pay fees.

“Even our life has changed a bit because things seem to be going on well for me. I took the other money and invested in a club. We are contributing US$10 a month and that money we are able to lend it to a member who repays inclusive of an interest of 10%. Goal really helped me with my family.”

The ESCT helps provide support to families to deal with reduced income and scarcity of access to water and food. Cash transfer positively impacts household’s ability to ensure continued education of their children and feed their children.