The ruling Zanu PF party has been flagged for human rights violations with a latest report by the Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) linking the governing party to about seven out of 10 violations.

According to the latest ZPP report, Zanu PF once again topped the list of human right’s violators in its April report.

The Emmerson Mnangagwa-led party has for years earned itself a bad name due to human right violations.

According to ZPP's latest report, at least 145 human right’s violations were recorded in April with ruling party activists named as the main culprits at 69,41%.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) accounted for 7,94% of the perpetrators while members of the defence forces and municipal officers accounted for 5,29% and 2,94%, respectively.

The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change was listed at 1,47% for politically-motivated violence while  traditional leaders constituted a total of 8,53% and 4,41% non-affiliated individuals.

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"In April, the ZPP documented 145 violations of human rights. The violations included harassment and intimidation, violations against equality and non-discrimination, abduction, arbitrary eviction, extra-judicial killing, unlawful detention, theft and assault," the report read.

The human rights watchdog urged the ZRP and Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) to investigate and prosecute perpetrators.

“In pursuant of justice and peace, the Zimbabwe Peace Project urges the ZHRC and ZRP to investigate and cause prosecution of all perpetrators including members of the security forces.

"ZPP believes that peace is possible when there is political tolerance and if the State is committed to ending the culture of impunity," the report said.

ZPP documented 27 violations in Manicaland, 20 in Mashonaland East, 16 in Masvingo, 15 in Midlands, 14 in Harare and 13 in Mashonaland Central.

Bulawayo and Matabeleland South provinces each recorded four violations while Matabeleland North recorded three human rights violations.

Mashonaland West recorded the largest number of human rights violations at 29 violations, up from 17 in March.

“In three incidents, members of the defence forces have been recorded harassing and assaulting civilians. In Chegutu West, ward 32, members of the Zimbabwe National Army, wearing red berets, raided Springs of Grace Academy College on April 11 and harassed teachers accusing them of conducting holiday lessons against government policy,” the report claimed.

"The soldiers jumped over the school gate and harassed teachers during the time for classes leaving both class practitioners and students terrified. Later that day, the soldiers reportedly carried out a similar raid at Pfupajena Government School in ward 6 and teachers present ran for their lives leaving learners in classes.”

Zanu PF information director Farai Marapira dismissed the report accusing the ZPP of having a hostile attitude towards the party.

"The ZPP once again plays servitude not to facts and truth but to agenda setting. We did not expect it to say anything different from this,” Marapira said.

“It is the sad aspect of certain approaches by some of these groups that expose their toxicity. As Zanu PF we don't view these utterances as anything other than a snide sideshow which we will not concern ourselves with.

“It carries no weight, truth or relevance.

“We are focused as a party on ensuring the President's vision is fulfilled and nothing else.”