Purpose is the reason for living and it goes without saying that when you find your purpose, you have found your groove. 

For Perfect Symphony founder Tate Makayi, born Tatenda Chipo Makayi, wellness promotion and life coaching are her calling and she feels blessed to be living her dream and pursuing her God-given purpose at a time today’s generation is wasting away to vain fun and substance abuse. 

“Tate Makayi is a born community builder and purpose-driven hormone wellness coach, sexual health wellness promoter and life coach,” Makayi said.

“My dream is to make a difference in the next woman’s life by way of providing ready answers to whatever wellness and life problems bedevil their existence. 

“When most people are asked who they are they first list their titles and that’s okay, however, at the core of Tate Makayi is a purpose-driven, ambitious, people-driven woman that is led by faith and called to serve and bring change and impact in an environment she finds herself.”

While some venture into business simply because they want to earn an extra dollar, Makayi told Standard Style that Perfect Symphony was born out of her own personal experiences and a desire to self-actualise while making a difference in people’s lives without working for anyone. 

“Perfect Symphony came from me deciding I never want to work for anyone again,” Makayi said.

“I knew in that moment that this was my chance to do what I always wanted to do and that is to make a difference.

“I turned my challenges with hormonal imbalances into a way to help other women going through the same. 

“At Perfect Symphony we work with females from puberty all the way to post menopause and everything in between to understand the different phases of hormonal changes.

“We help them to thrive through the changes instead of suffering through the changes.

“We also provide preventive and restorative methods for hormonal imbalances.

“We help females to identify hormonal imbalances and heal using natural methods.”

A communications graduate of Segi University in Malaysia, Makayi reckons wellness promotion and life coaching has become the core of her existence and she is blessed to have had a strong foundation that instilled the right values in her thanks to the guidance and inspiration of her mother. 

“I was raised by a beautiful strong woman that instilled in me the value of education, independence and entrepreneurship,” she said.

“I remember being my mother’s delivery girl in primary school.