Actress and media personality Eunice Tava hosted her inaugural rural schools drama competition in Mashonaland West Ward 6, Mhondoro where winners were awarded with scholarships.

Tava told The Standard  that hosting the competitions was her way of giving back to schools which she believes nurtured her acting skills.

“Ratidzo Rural Schools Drama Competitions is an idea that I came up with sometime last year and I shared it with Melody Zambuko of the Music Crossroads who was very supportive of it. I thought as someone in the media industry I could give back to my community with the little that I have,” she said.

“The reason why I chose to start with the Mhondoro communities is because I did my primary education at Mupereki and I still believe that is where my talent was nurtured,” she said.

Tava added that she plans on hosting the competitions annually so as to help and encourage young children to take up career paths in the arts sector.

“This year I decided to host the competitions with the schools that I used to compete with while I was still at my primary school level. I wanted to concentrate on, and appreciate those schools which I believe helped me in nurturing my skills,” she said.

Nyika Primary School students scooped the first prize and the whole drama group was awarded full year scholarships. In total 36 students received the scholarships.