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Military barracks renamed

GOVERNMENT has renamed various military barracks in honour of veterans of the armed struggle and military gurus. In a Government Gazette issued yesterday, Defence minister Sydney Sekeramayi said King George VI Barracks and the Airforce Headquarters in Harare had been changed to Josiah Magama Tongogara Barracks.

GOVERNMENT has renamed various military barracks in honour of veterans of the armed struggle and military gurus. In a Government Gazette issued yesterday, Defence minister Sydney Sekeramayi said King George VI Barracks and the Airforce Headquarters in Harare had been changed to Josiah Magama Tongogara Barracks.


Cranborne Cantonment Area has been renamed Charles Gumbo Barracks, Old Cranborne has changed to Kaguvi Barracks.

Also changed was Brady Barracks in Bulawayo, which has been renamed Mzilikazi Barracks, Karuyana Barracks has been changed to Chitekedza Barracks, HQ3 Brigade Barracks will now be called Herbert Chitepo Barracks and Chipinga Cantonment Area will now be called William Ndangana Barracks.

Sekeramayi also notified the change of HQ4 Brigade Barracks in Masvingo to Gava Musungwa Zvinavashe Barracks, Second Battalion to Masvingo Barracks and Gutu Barracks to Chinomukutu Barracks. — BY XOLISANI NCUBE