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Letter to my People: They are clearly running scared

Mabvuku MP aspirant Scott has brought prominent boxer Floyd Mayweather

THE shameful conduct of the country’s police force in its attempt to stifle the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) rallies ahead of the harmonised elections next month, was yet another spectacular own goal by Ngwena’s dispensation of darkness, poverty and confusion and a clear indication of its democracy deficit.

In the last week the Zimbabwe Republic Police disgracefully shed any pretence at professionalism and impartiality.

One could be forgiven for mistaking them for Zanu PF commissars as the excuses they gave to deny the opposition party permission bordered on the ridiculous with some overzealous police officers even acting as timekeepers at CCC leader Nero's few  meetings his party managed to hold.

In a desperate bid to stop the CCC campaigns, police officers have suddenly turned into health inspectors, stopping rallies on the basis of the lack of ablution facilities at venues where the opposition party wanted to hold its meetings. Sometimes they suddenly realise they did not have enough manpower to handle the security at the meetings.

The madness has gone to the extent of barring CCC from bussing its supporters to rally venues while the Lacoste leader and his regime have been given carte blanche to transport supporters in buses and trucks to rally venues across the country and they can even change venues at the very last minute. Munopenga!!

The naked bias got so embarrassing that it needed a memo to police commanders to allow opposition parties to hold rallies and this reportedly was only after some ambassadors told the Lacoste regime that it could not defend such brazen violation of electoral principles.

If the police force did its job with as much vigour as it stops opposition meetings, the crime rate  in the country would be negligible kkkk.

Even Chihuri, the police commissioner appointed by Gushungo who received a lot of criticism during his tenure, was far more competent than his successor Matanga who is leading this disgrace to the profession.

The barring of Tyson by the High Court, for flimsy reasons, from squaring off against the hapless Ngwena in next month’s presidential polls is the latest confirmation of the cowardice of the octogenarian leader.

Tyson has struck fear into the Lacoste regime, which for the past five years have concentrated more on arresting opponents and cracking down on demonstrations while taking lives in the process.

Being the fighter that I know Tyson to be, unlike that treacherous professor who is holed up somewhere in east Africa who groveled in apology to the very same regime that hounded him out of the country, he will take on this callous regime head on.

The barring of Tyson and the banning of Nero’s campaign has exposed the dictatorial tendencies of the Lacoste leader, which even those pesky British members of parliament  have said  he has proved to be worse than Gushungo.

It is an outrage that these MPs even dare compare this vapid leader to the telescopic foresighted Gushungo whose wisdom imbued leadership was the pride of the continent. But that is a topic for another day.

The survey by Afrobarometer revealed that 85% believe that Ngwena and his coup gangstas performed dismally during their first  term of office with 65%.

They emphatically said that the country is heading in the wrong direction.

The only surprise from these findings was that the percentage was not higher than that given the impoverished Lacoste leadership has been characterised by three digit inflation, increased levels of poverty,  daily power outages of 18 hours and levels of repression that would make Hitler green with envy, to name but a few.

Also telling and reflective of the culture of fear that has been created by this cabal, was that nearly 30% of those who participated in the survey refused to reveal their choice for president and member of parliament and it is safe to assume none of these would have uttered  Ngwena’s  name or those of his regime kkkk.

This explains why Ngwena’s henchmen such as Mudha have been going around telling Zanu PF party members contesting for parliamentary seats that they dare not get more votes than Ngwena.

Given the Lacoste leader’s lack of charisma and substance, this might be easier said than done.

The gold dealer and Mabvuku MP aspirant Scott has brought prominent boxer Floyd Mayweather to the country and was draped in the hideous Ngwena scarf as soon as he landed on these shores.

Not everyone was impressed by this, particularly Scott’s workers who have gone for months without being paid.

The workers who are doing construction work at his upmarket properties in the plush Glen Lorne and Mandara suburbs have complained that they have not been paid for two months with the self-proclaimed school dropout not bothering with the niceties of explaining why he has not paid their dues.

One worker opined to a local publication  that the most disheartening part is that Scott is busy bringing in celebrities like  Mayweather and making donations in Mabvuku while neglecting his workers.

Probably the most apt description of this despicable conduct by the gold dealer was from one of his dejected workers who said thus “This is a bad precedent coming from someone who claims to be an affirmative action activist.

”Black-on-black exploitation is simply horrible.”

I, the good doctor couldn’t  have put it better.


Gushungo chete chete

Dr Amai. Stop It. PHD  (Fake)

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