Video games are an enjoyable hobby for millions of people around the world, who love to play on their smartphones, tablets, computers, or gaming consoles.

Some people enjoy card games, which leads them to learn crazy facts about casinos. Others may prefer to play battle royale or first-person shooter titles. There are so many game genres to choose from that everyone can find a game they love.

What differentiates gamers from those who enjoy the occasional video game is their attitude towards the hobby. The average person who plays such games does not associate them with their identity.

For a gamer, the fact that they love to play video games is the most crucial aspect of their personality. They spend hours playing their favorite titles, often engaging in three or five-hour-plus gaming sessions.

Below is an explanation of why gaming can become such an important part of a person’s life.

A sense of identity

Not everyone has a perfect life. They may be experiencing problems with their family, work, schooling, or another matter. A person’s identity is often wrapped up in what they achieve, both personal and professional.

When everything is not going smoothly in life, taking up a hobby such as gaming can be very appealing.

Being a gamer can become a person’s identity. They begin to associate their life and personality with the games they enjoy, and the ones they’re looking forward to playing in the coming weeks and months.

A feeling of accomplishment

A crucial reason why games are so popular is because they deliver a sense of accomplishment for the player. When you’re watching a movie or television show, you’re not achieving anything when you get to the end of the episode or movie. All you did was sit there and watch, whether you enjoyed the production or not.

When you play a video game, you’re an active participant in the events unfolding in front of you. Whether you’re playing a story-driven title or a racing game, when you achieve a high position or pass a specific level, you feel as though you’ve achieved something.

Such a sense of accomplishment can increase a person’s self-esteem, especially if they’re having other difficulties in their life. When a player experiences that buzz of reaching a gaming milestone, the feeling can feel amazing. They will want to reach the next milestone, and eventually move on to other games when they’ve won everything possible in a particular title.

An escape from reality

Playing a video game for a few hours is the best way to escape from anything that you don’t like in the world at present. Perhaps you’re feeling unhappy because of political or economic events, or you have a personal issue that’s bothering you.

Regardless of the reason why you want to escape, games are the ultimate way to check out of real life for a few hours. Many gamers who see the lifestyle as part of their identity would say that long sessions can be therapeutic and almost like meditation.

The emergence of gaming communities

Becoming a member of an online gaming community is so easy these days. You can use websites such as Reddit, visit game-specific forums, check out the chat about games on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, or talk to people on Discord.

Someone who doesn’t have many close friends or family members can often find fulfilling relationships with fellow gamers online, which is why so many people are attracted to the gamer lifestyle. Many online games these days place a particular emphasis on teamwork and cooperative play, which can be a really fun way to interact with other people all around the world. Popular franchises have huge online communities full of endless discussions about every minute aspect of a game, where lifelong friendships can be born!

Instant pleasure

There’s no doubt that games provide a great deal of pleasure for those who play them regularly. When you score a goal in FIFA, make a tackle in Madden, or shoot the basketball perfectly in NBA 2K, you’ll feel a thrill that’s hard to replicate in any other hobby.

Much like some people love to go out running, others enjoy fishing, and some get their thrills from a shopping spree at the mall, gaming delivers a lot of pleasure for people who consider it a big part of their lifestyle.