Big Brother Mzansi (BBM): Umlilo intensified its flames this week with Kaybee’s shocking ejection after she was disqualified from the game by Biggie for sexual harassment of fellow housemates.

The drama came just days after her rival, Bonnie Bee, was evicted from the house.

Some of Kaybee’s housemates who complained that they had not consented to her touching them in a sexual way included BeeKay, Nate, and Swiss.

BBM posted on their Instagram page immediately after her ejection that her behaviour had caused offence.

“Following investigations from Big Brother, Housemate Kaybee will be immediately evicted from the Big Brother Mzansi House. Kaybee’s behaviour has caused serious offense to fellow housemates due to this misconduct; she has been disqualified. Mzansi Magic does not condone any acts that condone or threaten the safety and well-being of the housemates.”

Viewers of the show had split opinions in the comments section, with some feeling that Big Brother had not been fair and might have been too tough on her.

“Shouldn’t she be judged on the same grounds as Bonnie Bee and Ashley because they violated the same rule? How is it fair that they got strikes and it’s a disqualification for her? I’m not justifying her behaviour; I just think it could have been fair for them to get the same punishment," commented a follower on Instagram.

"Even after Bonnie Bee emphasised that they said what they’ve said anyway, she still remained in the house.”

Another Instagram user, Vuyelwa4, seemed to blame Nate for setting the events of her disqualification in motion.

“Still I don’t understand how Nate could do that to her, lol. So much for ‘friends.’ When she was riding KB after the Saturday party night and it was all fun and games, she opened that kind of bond between them, and now she suddenly told Jojo that it’s uncomfortable. So much for a friend, hehehe.”

Kaybee, whose real name is Karabo, was the first housemate to enter the house on launch night. She becomes the third housemate to leave. At least one of the remaining nominated housemates will join her in the outside world tonight during the live eviction show.