CELEBRATED Musician Jeys Marabini has rubbished claims made by ex-modelling coach Sipho Mazibuko that he owes her money.

Mazibuko earlier this month made allegations on a WhatsApp group that she had suffered oppression, gatekeeping and abuse at the hands of Jeys in the early 2000s.

She claimed to have helped him secure models for a music video shoot during an interview on Skyz Metro FM.

Later Mazibuko posted on the Mat-South NACZ group whom she had been referring to.

“The artist that everyone was talking about in the interview whose models I dressed about 23 years ago for his first music video and refused to return the clothes, which I had borrowed and then did his video with them and refused  with them and refused to pay till today is none other than the mighty Jeys Marabini,” she said.

Imagine I had opened Bulawayo’s boutique and even whites  were 75% of my customers so for him ukungincindezela umuntu wesifazane owayezama impilo (to oppress a woman who was hustling) and only starting out was a huge blow, worse using my stock with attitude, a nasty attitude.

“”Sandra Ndebele borrowed clothes for her Malaika video but because the clothes were very expensive she paid back with a performance.

“Jeys insulted with vulgarity that I cannot repeat when I demanded my clothes back.

“My eyes are still wide open with Bhudi Jeys for the useless clothes that made your video popular, I want my money.”

Some group members then told Mazibuko to avoid bringing out dirty laundry in public, just before turning the knife on her.

“I feel this is too personal, why don’t you talk to him directly, not on this platform. Madam why can’t you inbox him and solve this amicably? Shaming a fellow creative is not good at all, no one is perfect madam,” said a group member, while another one by the user Vho-Mathe threatened to spill the beans on Mazibuko.

“Madam, if we start to release archives nothing good will come out of it, this will turn into a battle ground,” Vho-Mathe said.

Sources, who have previously worked with Mazibuko, said she was in the habit of manipulating or threatening people by name-dropping.

“She likes to involve a lot of government Ministers and senior officials' names,” said a source.

“When monies are being requested you hear that the Minister has written a letter that it will be funded.

“Now we speak in riddles but a time will come when we will say things as they are if this intimidation and entitlement continues. We are quiet but we know so much.

“It is out of respect that we are ignoring her but this woman is ever in a combative mood and is making enemies with the people who love her and want to see her win, it's sad.”

Sipho hit back on the same WhatsApp group before being removed.

“I know brother everyone has a skeleton but this was done deliberately with full intention,” she said.

“Dancers get abused by singers and remain silent. I know of many that I have taken to Engutsheni after they suffered serious depression.

“Let us come out in the open. We are being abused emotionally, sexually, financially and physically in the arts industry. Why must we hide it/ I was married at the time and my husband thought there was something between me and Jeys. He asked me why Jeys wouldn’t pay, you all know men.”

However, Jeys laughed it all off, pouring cold water on the issue.

“I don’t know anything about that. I have never met Sipho Mazibuko in person. I just know that she exists,” he said.

Mazibuko’s number was not going through at the time of going to print.