Earlier this year, the popular American monthly music and politics magazine Rolling Stone, announced the launch of the Rolling Stone Africa edition in partnership with MWANKOM Group, an Afro brand and global media, entertainment and technology company with headquarters in London.

Recently, Rolling Stone Africa announced the appointment of Zimbabwean journalist Usher Takudzwa Nyambi as contributing editor for Southern Africa.

Nyambi is an accomplished writer and a media and communications practitioner sharing stories about Africa through various mediums such as writing, photography and film.

His work has been published in several publications, including GQ South Africa, Glamour South Africa, Okay Africa and Hypebeast Africa among others, where he tells stories from more than 20 countries around the globe.

He holds an international relations degree from Africa University and was a delegate at the 2024 Forbes Africa Summit hosted by Botswana in May.

He is the founder of Samora Central a platform sharing stories and curating opportunities for young African scholars, entrepreneurs and creatives. 

Additionally, he has collaborated with Sofar Sounds Harare, contributing his videography expertise to the local chapter of the global music network.

“I believe Rolling Stone Africa will keep amplifying stories from the continent to a global audience,” Nyambi told Standard Style.

“As an editor, my role is to showcase the incredible talent and diversity across Southern Africa and beyond.

“With the world more connected through social media, we're witnessing a cultural renaissance, where African stars are stepping into the global spotlight.

“We will continue to highlight the big names, but also make sure people are aware of the emerging talent rising out of Africa.”

Rolling Stone has been at the forefront of politics, culture, and music journalism for five decades. The publication defined trends in pop music, developed new forms of coverage and platformed some of the most influential storytellers in history.

“My advice to creatives is to stay consistent and keep seeking opportunities to share their work with new audiences and expand their communities,” Nyambi said.

“By staying authentic and building a strong track record, their following will naturally grow. Even if people don’t always give feedback, they notice the effort.

“One of my favorite quotes is, "It takes 10 years to become an overnight success." The more consistently you put out great work, the more doors will open.”

Speaking via a press statement, Gus Wenner, CEO of Rolling Stone, said expanding Rolling Stone's presence in Africa has been their long-term goal. “We are thrilled to give a platform to the rich music scene, culture and stories that define the continent. We look forward to working with MWANKOM and fostering global connections through the universal language of music."

“Rooted in a rich multicultural heritage, our journey has been defined by a strong commitment to collaborating with trailblazing entrepreneurs from Africa and its global diaspora across various sectors,” said D Romuald Bellegarde-Smeralda the CEO and founder of MWANKOM adding that the power of Afro-culture has now become mainstream.

 “With a population in Africa well over 1 billion and a global diaspora of over 500 million people, including a large percentage below 30 years old, we understand the task. 

“As a team of young and accomplished professionals all originating from the continent, we look forward to helping connect success stories from Africa with the rest of the world via the Rolling Stone Africa brand.”