YOURS Truly joins the rest of Lemba community  in commiserating the death of Dr. Robson Wuriga a  prominent Lemba enthusiast and renowned scholar, who believed  in a peaceful resolution of the current Israreli-Hamas war.

Wuriga died on September  4, 2024 at the age 60 leaving a legacy that involved championing of Lemba cultural history and norms dating back to biblical Israelites following their flight or departure from  Egypt to the promised land of Canaan.

He was buried on September 7 in at Charama Cross,  Mugavha Village in Gokwe.

The Promised Land known as Canaan was situated in the territory of southern Levant, which today encompasses Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, and the southern portions of Syria and Lebanon.

To the uninitiated, Yours Truly has in the past wrote various articles in  this column on how the local Lemba tribe consider themselves  as descendants of the biblical Jews who migrated from the Middle East crossing  the Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean and temporarily settling in countries such as Ethopia, Somalia, Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Some finally settled in Zimbabwe where they  are reported to have been the brains behind construction of Great Zimbabwe Ruins and this was attributted to their prowess on draughtsmanship and architectural design.

Back to the issue of Wiruga who was a senior lecturer of philosophy  at Simon Muzenda School of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies at Great Zimbabwe University.

Prominent academic, Takavafira Zhou in his eulogy described the late senior Lemba fellow tribesman as a brother, advisor, combatant, colleague in trench warfare against trenches of folly and ignorance.

“Like any other Lemba boy, Robson grew herding cattle and graduated from the Lemba college in 1975.

“After his primary and secondary education in Zimbabwe, Robson crossed the Vhembe (Limpopo) River to pursue his tertiary education in South Africa.

  While in South Africa he connected with other Lemba and greatly benefited from the fatherly advice and support from the late Professor Mativha. He completed a BA General Cum Laude (Philosophy, Biblical Studies, Semitic Languages, Anthropology, and Greek) at North West University (1992-1994), BA Hons Philosophy at North West University( 1995-1997), ThB Hons Theology/ Religion at North West University, MA Philosophy at North West University, PhD Philosophy at the University of KwaZulu Natal.”

From the period 1995-2000, the Lemba scion was also employed as a temporary lecturer by North West University while in 2001-2004 was engaged as a tutor in KwaZulu Natal University.

He later came back to Zimbabwe and was enganged by Great Zimbabwe University and his areas of interest were social and political philosophy, ethics, philosophy of science, policy studies. Apart from publishing many articles in referred journals, he also published a book called  (2012).”

Wiruga was an international editorial board member of Ikamva International Journal of Humanities and Social Science was also co-editor of Dzimbahwe Journal of Humanities and  Social Sciences among others.

He also played a pivotal role on establishment of Lemba Cultural Association in the country and was described by his peers as a principled Lemba and Orthodox Jew who refused to covet with several times leading to fallouts with other reform Jewish sects and stalling of projects such as the Great Zimbabwe Synagogue construction.

Fellow Lembas viewed him as defender of “Lembaism and Orthodox Judaism”

Hilary Zhou, another Lemba described him as a pacifist and who always prayed for peace among Israel and all the Jews.

“His dream was to see the recognition of Lemba as Jews just like other diaspora Jews who have been identified such the Falashas among others.  He also worked hard for the preservation of Lemba heritage and cultural practices,” said Zhou.

Fare thee Wiruga.

Till we meet again in the next column.


*Comments always welcome at: or X@DubeBurzil