Craft Properties founder and chief executive Kudakwashe Taruberekera says his recent trip to the United States for the Leaders’ Summit of the UN Global Compact increased knowledge on how best the private sector can contribute to the advancement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

The Leaders’ Summit of the UN Global Compact brings together business leaders, UN officials, government leaders, SDG stakeholders, and civil society professionals to review the private sector's contribution to advancing the SDGs.

It addressed business leadership during converging crises, the critical role of a principles-based approach, global trends, and tools and partnerships needed to achieve the 2030 Agenda fully.

This is not the first time that Taruberekera has attended such a top global symposium having attended similar summits and many other forums in the past.

“This was a day-long event where stakeholders agreed to move with speedy while at the same time incorporating the private sector and how best positioned to advance the 2030 Agenda and drive progress across all 17 SDGs,” Taruberekera said.

The SDGs are a collection of 17 interlinked objectives designed to serve as a “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future”.

According to Taruberekera, the Leaders’ Summit of the UN Global Compact challenged organisations to move forward faster by setting measurable, credible and ambitious targets aligned with calls to action in five systematic areas — gender equality, climate action, living wage, water resilience as well as finance and investment .

After taking part at the Leaders’ Summit of the UN Global Compact, Taruberekera joined other like-minded businesspeople and leaders at the Global Africa Business Initiative, which was held last Thursday and Friday.

“The Global Africa Business Initiative brought together private sector and government leaders at a landmark event to promote investment and trade opportunities across Africa and the world,” he said.

“The event was jointly held during the UN General Assembly week and focused on energy access and energy transitions, inclusive growth and trade as well as digital.”

Describing his visit to New York, Tarubekera said it was meant to increase knowledge on a number of issues meant to develop the country.

On July 18, the renowned land developer travelled to New York as part of global innovators at the 2023 SDG Business Forum themed Turbocharging the 2030 Agenda with Business Impact.

Taruberekera was hopeful that these summits will yield fruits in expanding his business as well as positively enhance his knowledge through sharing ideas with like-minded businesspersons.

Taruberekera said he was looking forward to attend similar summits in future and in the pipeline is a trip to Washington DC between June 9 and 11, 2024 for a strategic leaders’ summit.

The businessman was also invited by the Masterminds Business School in London, United Kingdom for the Dubai Leadership Conference and Awards from 24 to 26 0ctober 2023.

Recently Taruberekera bagged the Outstanding Manager in Construction and Engineering Award (Platinum Winner) in the CEOs Network Awards.

“Such accomplishments are only possible because I have demonstrated exactly how instrumental I can be in driving world development through my remarkable contributions in the industry,” he said.

Craft Properties was founded 15 years ago buoyed by the country’s goal of reducing the housing backlog in line with the SDGs by the year 2030.

 The company is also involved in philanthropic work in fulfillment of its social corporate responsibility.

They have donated 10 residential stands to people with disability and the underprivileged.