By Grant Moyo

Whenever Taurai Karungaire, a cleric at Bethel Koinoia Ministries International prepares for sermons, he sticks to the core values of the ministry making sure that the Lord’s work is carried out wholeheartedly.

Keen to live up to his purpose, he is witnessing the hand of God manifest in the church through the impact of the gospel, which is bringing transformation in the livelihoods of congregates and in the community where the church is situated.

The most distinctive and essential quality that Karungaire has at heart is the love for spiritual, cerebral, social and professional development — a cognitive factor behind his harmonic and design pursuit. His vision as a leather designer has over the years advanced into the establishment of Every Man A Shoe (E.M.A.S) — a brand which started off with a sole purpose of making sure that every citizen has custom made footwear at an affordable price.

The past few years have presented Karungaire with the privilege to expand his superior skill. Utilising his sleight in hand, he now designs belts, wallets and bags.

Born in Karoi, Karungaire studied at Kapare Primary School, Katenhe Primary School, Katenhe Secondary School and Mutekedza Secondary School in Chivhu, where he completed his Ordinary level.

The cleric-cum-designer who is on the brink of obtaining a Diploma in Telecommunication Systems from Telone Centre For Learning (TCFL), holds a Higher Diploma in Prophetic Studies from Harvest House International School of Ministry.

Having started ministering in church as a vice choir master at Njube Methodist Church in Bulawayo, Karungaire, who later became a leader of Young People’s Service and a music leader of The Hub at Harvest House International in Nkulumane, not so long ago dropped an eight track album titled Ndovimba Nemi.

“Deuteronomy 29 verse 29 is my favourite Bible scripture. This key verse taught me that obedience is a virtue, it is a chief determiner between a blessing and a curse. The sacred text helped me to keep trusting in God, especially during trying times when hardships and heartbreaks are commonplace,” Karungaire said.

Thankfully, the Lord our God will never break the covenant he made with mankind, a lifetime pledge which can be traced back to the period of time when he brought the Israelites out of Egypt.

“As far as spirituality is concerned, the same scripture taught me that God either reveals or hides occurrences for a purpose. The demise of my parents came as an eye opener in regards to why death in so many ways remains a mystery to the human race.

“Despite facing a lot of challenges growing up, I found solace in music. I started singing in church and school when I was 9 years old. Years later I got a gig as a backing vocalist for a local gospel artist.

“In 2016, I recorded my first songs called Muneni and Kuita Kwavo at House of Rising Sounds — a recording studio. So far I have recorded 22 tracks and 1 video. In regards to designing, I began chasing my dream in 2011.

“During the course of time I kicked off market expansion. I moved between cities and towns like Kadoma and Masvingo, selling my fashion articles. I also went on to exhibit my leather collection of shoes, sandals, belts, bags and wallets at the 2013 edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) in Bulawayo.”

Karungaire said when he is creating leather designs, his target market is every family member, ranging from kids to youths, young adults and the elderly. Accordingly, each time he sits down to work on a design, he thinks of the next person who will endorse the product. Noting countless prayers as the primary means to his breakthroughs, Karungaire’s heart is devoted towards doing good to everyone, and he values all who have been supporting his business venture since its inception.

“Shoes are often referenced in the Bible, and their imagery is beyond the basic protection for human feet and makes walking on different surfaces comfortable. They are linked with the subject of our heading or direction and focus in life. Moreover, they represent the assurance we get from God and the desire allowed to us by the universe,” he said.

“Shoes also represent victory over the adversary; hence there is so much concern in my spirit for every person who buys from me that they continue buying, so as to witness more burdens being lifted from their lives.

“It has forever been my desire that everything become well for all my customers in their personal and professional capacity. So, as a token of appreciation, I always call upon the presence of God on every transaction made and ask the heavenwards to endlessly bless each and every client.”

The same heartfelt appreciation is also what the cleric has towards his musical career, peculiarly in the midst of a global crisis (Covid-19 Omicron variant), which is wreaking havoc.

Karungaire pointed out that he has always had a pristine vision of  absolute healing power ceaselessly descending upon mankind.

He is determined to witness the lame walk, blind see, speechless talk, sick healed and the amok delivered.

Conveying sacred messages of hope, reliance and supernatural virtue through his music, Kurangaire’s wish is that all patients admitted in health facilities or bedridden in homes hear his auditory communication and recover from malady.

He noted that his music goes beyond into preaching a word of deliverance to those stricken by evil spirits, breaking every chain trussed by the devil. His sounds also address social issues like poverty, unemployment and marriage, as he carries through a message of acceptance purporting that ‘when Christ intervened, things changed’.

“1 Samuel 16 verse 23 reads, ‘And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took a harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him’,” he said.

“David was a man who had the spirit of God guiding everything he did, hence his way of playing the harp was not ordinary. That’s the major reason why I’m also determined to go an extra mile in delivering music that touches hearts and souls.

“I strive to create songs that are full of God’s anointing and I believe the heavenly father has raised me to come and minister the sacred message to the whole world.”

Faith being the eye of his soul, Karungaire proceeds to serve his purpose in church, preaching and spreading the word of God prolifically. Besides authentically carrying out his intent as a leather designer, the candid cleric is glad to be affiliated with Eye Colour Coordinates — a marketing, branding and public relations management institution — that is promoting his music promptly procurable on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and iHeartRadio, among other notable online platforms.

  • BIOGRAPHY: Grant Moyo is a prolific writer, innovative media personality, entrepreneur and a creative artist who is passionate about using his creative mind for the betterment of society.
  • Follow him on Twitter: @TotemGrant